DATE: Monday, March 15, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today was a good day as we fished the Ebb tide out on the San Pablo
Bay. We sat in one of our honey holes and got busted off three times all on the same rod!
Reason being was; I caught a 62lber the trip before today and while fighting the fish he
became tail wrapped. So all that line that was tangled around the fish was bad and we thought
we removed the damaged part of the line, but we were wrong. That's why we were busted off
three times. But in the end we still came home with one good eating keeper up to 47in. Some
days are more intense than others. The hot bait was grass shrimp. We plan on hitting it
tomorrow simply to stay up on the fish. We have openings available for those who would love
to come on out and catch one of these giants. Give us a call if you really want to get Hook'D
Up! -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Tuesday, March 16, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Hello anglers,I guess you could say our fruit is ready for harvesting. Today
we hit one sturgeon keeper up to 55 in. as well a couple of shakers and stripers. We fished the
outgoing Ebb tide and its really been good fishing lately as well now is the time to get Hook'D
Up if you want a trophy fish. The fish have been active everyday and it doesn't require much if
you want to catch one. It's almost as though we are sitting in the midst of these fish and they
want to be caught! So with me saying this, that means even the most inexperienced angler
could catch these fish at this point! My point exactly!!! Give us a call and book your trip now
while the fishing is good! -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Wednesday, March 17, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today we went out back to one of our honey holes simply to have a good
outing! We hooked fish the entire time we were out! We hooked two keepers both 46in as well
four shakers up to about 42in. We couldn't complain especially being that the wind wasn't in
our favor. But for the most part of the trip, I will say that we did the damn' thang! We figured if
we had no wind the scores would have been up for real but we were greatful for the fish God
blessed us with! We will be back out come friday night scouting the water so stay tuned and
let's see what we will come up with next! Hopefully we will be taking clients out the next trip
instead of scouting the waters with staff! We love to see the excitment in our clients face when
they get pulled on by the unbelievable sometimes! Give us a call! 707-655-6736
DATE: Saturday, March 13, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today started off with a Bang as well some serious explosive action. We
hit two sturgeon up to 65 in.(62lbs and 59lbs) as well a shaker up to 40 inches, from the very
start of our day! Then we had a couple of striper runs, but nothing to brag about. The day
seem to be going well until the wind blew us off the bay. But for the most part we hit our fish
quick and early and we definitely know where the fish seem to be grouping up at. So until next
report, think about the TOP GUN and note that we can't wait to get you on board to make you
be our next fishing Super Star. Give us a call. -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Sunday, March 14, 2010
FISHING REPORT: We went out today to fish the outgoing tide and it was okay until the wind
decided to blow us off the water. We ended up with a couple of stripers for the day but we will
be back out tomorrow night fishing the Napa River for Oversize. Check with us on our next
report and we will let you know how we did. Give us a call, if you want to catch one of these
dinosaurs. Remember aboard the TOP GUN we aim to please!
DATE: Friday Night! March 19, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Well last night we went and hit'em up again in our honey hole! We got one
keeper Sturgeon up to 47 in. as well 4 nice stripers up to 8lbs! I guess we couldn't complain
other than we got busted off on one fish! Who wonders what he looked like!?! Over all, we
aren't complaining and we know soon enough we are going to get a record on this boat but
until we do, we are gonna go hard as usual for our clients and make it happen! The waters are
warming and the fish are responding to our bait as expected. So at this point, anyone could
catch one of these dinosaurs now and we would love to get you out here to blow your wig
backwards once you see whats in store for you fishing with us! So don't be afraid, give us a
call and experience what these prehistoric fish can and will do to ya! (LOL) -Capt'n Steve
**NOTE** A note to the wise, Halibut season is starting up next month (April) and the better tide
days are soon to be all booked up! So if you have any interest in going out halibut fishing give
us a call! We will start trolling first until the live bait arrives! We are starting to get reports that
the buts are in and becoming active! Lets see what this season has to offer us!
-Capt'n Steve
DATE: Sunday, March 7, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Wow what a windy day! Today due to the wind, we weren't able to go play
in our backyard (San Pablo Bay), but we were able to go hide out in the Napa River! Under the
conditions we only hit one shaker sturgeon and then it was all bad for the remainder of the day.
So this weekend I suppose we will hang tight and do some maintenance on the boat until we're
back out! Give us a call to book your trip because the bite is getting better everyday. So we will
look forward to meeting new clients as you come. -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Thursday, February 25, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today we had a lot of action for the time we were out! We didn't get any
keepers, but we hit five shaker sturgeons up to 44in.,in which two of the fish happen to be
green sturgeons and the others were white sturgeons. We fished the Ebb tide until we had to
pack up and go. The water was right as well the conditions out there were great, but we
suppose we weren't in the area for the big boys to come sliding through. Hopefully we will get
them on the next trip out! But until we report again, if your interested give us a call. We have
room on existing charters to come as well available dates. So give us a call! -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Tuesday, February 23, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today we went and set up in one of our hot spots for the Ebb and flood in
9 ft of water. We landed two fish for the day up to 52 inches as well we kept steady action
going all day! We noticed that the water wasn't as chocolate today where we were sitting, but
that didn't stop the fish from biting. So being that we did okay today here in this area, we are
going to come back on our next trip and see what this area will produce on the outgoing Ebb!
DATE: Wednesday, February 17, 2010
FISHING REPORT: We fished the outgoing Ebb this evening on the Napa River for two fish up
to 48 inches. It was rather slow as well we may have missed a couple of toads down there, but
for the most part we were on the fish! As we scout these waters, we only keep in mind that our
clients pay to be put on fish as well to increase their chances of hooking up! So therefore we
make it a point to stay scouting these waters. We are definitely on the fish and we'd love to put
you on them. So if interested, give Capt'n Steve a call and we will set you up on a memorable
DATE: Saturday, February 13, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today started off slow but became a bang aboard the TOP GUN. We
started out in the Napa River between the two bridges to hit a nice 55 incher on mud shrimp
(caught on video). The fish was caught by Robert Parker of Richmond, CA. on the incoming
flood. We also fished the mouth of the river on the Ebb in which we hook'd another sturgeon up
to 45 inches! Overall for all the pressure on the water, I gotta say the day was well spent for
three clients on a Sat in a high boat traffic area. Good job Parker, I like your style as well the
way you handled that fish. -Capt'n Steve (Anyway, we have openings for open load
passengers at a special price of $130.00 per angler. So give us a call if your ready for one of
these dinosaurs! -Capt'n Steve)
DATE: Friday, February 12, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today we went out on the San Pablo Bay with two clients whom never
fished for sturgeon ever. The day wasn't good at all! We couldn't get a single hit for nothing in
the world. We moved from location to location and still nothing. The Tides were pretty jacked
as well and suddenly our clients grew bored, not understanding the patience needed to catch
one of these dinosaurs. But after explaining the nature of these fish, we decided to rebook this
trip on a day with better tides and hopefully we can get these two guys bit by the sturgeon bug!
I'm sure you seasoned guys no what we mean. -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Sunday, February 7, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Last night we decided to fish in the Napa River above the Hwy 37 bridge
on the Ebb tide. As the tide bottomed out, we managed to pick up a 46incher but nothing after
that. We couldn't find fish anywhere, until we decided to pull the pick and leave. We slowly
combed the water above the bridge simply to find the mother load of sturgeon stacked up on
the east side of the river leading into Dutchmen slough! We seen the meter light up
unbelievably to the point the screen was almost covered with fish stacked in this area. We
said; being that we were ready to leave; we would return come tomorrow; to try for a couple of
the big boys hugging the bottom. Well until we go back out we're going to close and come back
and let you know what those fish were about! Until then, start thinking about if your ready for
the one! -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Saturday, February 6, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today was the first day of the Super Bowl Derby. We went out today for
total disaster. For the day, we only hit two fish up to 40 inches and then the boat had technical
difficulties. So that ended our trip that night. Sorry guys for the difficulties, but as always we
back our word up and the next trip is on us due to technicalities beyond our control! Anyway
until next report; Remember to: DREAM BIG FISH AND THINK TOP GUN!!!
DATE: Wednesday, February 3, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Hello anglers, well we're right back at ya' to say we only hit one fish last
night at 58 inches in the San Pablo Bay. We noticed that we got lucky on that fish due to the
wind kicking up, but in the moment of the turn we were successful on hooking one! WE fished
about 19 ft. of water and I gotta tell you, it looks promising to us out here as the weather
warms. Give us a call, and maybe you could become one of our Hall Of Famers. Who knows?
Book ya trip today!!!!
DATE: Sunday, January 31, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today we fished San Pablo Bay for 5 fish up to 71 inches as well the
others were smaller up to 42-44 inches. We worked the Ebb as well the flood in which our best
moments seem to be at the bottom of the Ebb! As the turn hit and we were able to stop
swinging, the bite turned right back on and who could complain about steady action!I know I
myself loved it! Come on out and lets have a ball! We have openings for these days and
weekends coming up, give us a call 707-655-6736! REMEMBER TO DREAM BIG FISH AND
DATE: Saturday, January 30, 2010
FISHING REPORT: We fished the San Pablo Bay all day for both tides and did fairly well today
for a group of five. We hit three fish up to 65 inches and another keeper at 46inches. The third
fish was a 41 inch shaker in which of course he was released so that my grandkids could catch
him at a later date! This type of action only enlightens us and makes us go harder out there!
We encourage you to book your trips now because the action here is gonna go nuts within
weeks to come! The water temp was 51 and getting warmer, so as the water warms, so does
the fish bite turn on even more. So if you would like to join us, give us a call and we'd love to
set you up on a trip with us. -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Friday, January 29, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today we hit two oversize up to 72 inches as well a 69incher on the Ebb
tide as well the first couple of hours on the flood! We're fishing near the pump house and I
suppose these fish back here are fresh from the ocean, being that they still had plenty of sea
lice on them still. But thats a good sign because as the fish seem to be showing up in numbers,
we still haven't ran into that concentration of bigger fish like last year and the year before. Soon
they will be spawning and when they come for that, you can bet the TOP GUN will be there.
Give us a call and join us (707-655-6736) on our next outting. We would love to give you the
opportunity to get HOOK"D UP!!!!!!
DATE: Thursday, January 28, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today we fished out back (San Pablo Bay) on the Ebb tide which seemed
to turn out to be a good day for us. We hit 4 fish (Sturgeon) up to 64 inches, a 49 incher, as
well as a couple of shakers up to 36 inches. For the single tide, we felt as though we done
pretty good just scouting the water and we're sure that the action back here is about to go nuts
soon! And I hope for those who want to get in on this, you will call and reserve your date,
because as spring comes, so does the better bite! Give us a call!
DATE: Saturday, January 23, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Hello anglers, today was the Diamond Back Classic and I must admit that
it was one of the best sturgeon Derbies ran that I've ever fished in. We hit three fish up to 45
inches as we fished the Ebb on the Suisun Bay! We stayed planted from the time we started
out and I gotta say these guys were hilarious. But we had fun and although we didn't get what
we were looking for, we still caught fish and gave it a darn good shot! Maybe next year the
TOP GUN will take it! Who knows! Anyway if you would like to fish the Super Bowl Derby with
us, so far we have three openings left. Give us a call and lets get it on! -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Wednesday, January 20, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Tonight we fished the flood in the Napa River to come up with a 46 incher,
as well a couple of small shakers. Seems as though there were fish in here, but we happened
to see a better concentration of fish in the Straights as well as the San Pablo Bay. We can't
really call what's going on with these fish, but we do know where they are at! So that's where
we will be! Too bad we can't fish the Diamond Back Classic in the San Pablo. The border line
in the derby stops at the Carquinez Bridge. Bummer!!!! But it's all good,we will get them
wherever! We have room for one more person if you just want to get out and try your skills and
luck on winning! Give us a call! -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Sunday, January 17,2010
FISHING REPORT: Hello everyone, let me start off by saying we had a fabulous night. We
fished the mouth of Sonoma Creek, simply to crack the bay wide open. We hit limits for three,
although we also had two oversize from 69 inches as well a 73incher. Big props for Daniel
Edgertson of Suisun for hitting that fat oversize (73in.) as well a 50 incher. High five my friend!
Also props to Chris Bennet of Suisun for his 56 incher and David ? for his 59 incher that was
believed to be the dinosaur on 20th century steroids! A super hot fish beyond the norm. Good
job Dave, you did that! Sorry we have no pictures to kinda show off, because my batteries
were low. But maybe we will have some home shots sent to us from our friends. Hopefully! But
anyway guys its on from here and its only going to get better. We have openings as well.
Anyone who wants to fish the Diamond Back Classic(Sturgeon Derby) on Sat Jan. 23 give us a
call we have one slot available if you'd like to join us. Give us A CALL! -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Monday, January 11, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today I went out scouting the San Pablo Bay with a friend and I gotta tell
ya', things are looking promising back here. We hit a 58 incher on down to a 45 incher and a
couple of 40's. We realize that behind them soon would come the fat boys, but as the tide went
on, we picked up nothing. We look forward to the weather warming and more action jumping
off! If you care to join us, just come on out or give us a call and lets set up a date! -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Wednesday, January 6, 2010
FISHING REPORT: As I said before, there seems to be an abundance of life out here in the
San Pablo Bay! I want to commend Kenneth Simon from Hayward on his catch of a 64 incher
(sturgeon) that seemed more like a Torpedo! Nice job Ken. We also hit three shakers up to
441/2 in., but no more keepers! We know its going to get better and at this point, I believe I'm
going to fish the rest of the sturgeon season out here in the San Pablo Bay! Anyone interested
in fishing the San Pablo Bay with us, give us a call!
DATE: Sunday, January 3, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today we fished the San Pablo Bay due to the warmer water, other than
up top (Suisun Bay). We noticed that there was plenty of life down that way in the shallows. So
we looked for fish and decided that the shallow waters would be the designated fishing
grounds for the moment! We caught fish up to 36 in., but released them and waited for a
keeper. Being that the bite shut off, we picked up and called it a day! We know that there may
be better luck this week with a group of three come this Wed. Jan 6. Wish us luck as well we
have three spots available for anyone else who would like to join these fellas!
DATE: Thursday, December 31, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Happy New Years everyone! We brought the New Year in on the water.
To bad it wasn't with a bang and three nice Keepers. We hit three shakers up to 41 inches,as
well we got busted off on one as the hook pulled. We wonder how big that dinosaur was
because on the hook set, that critter felt like the Titanic. Well maybe next time we will get him!
Happy New Years everyone and lets pray that it will be much better than last year.
- Capt'n Steve 2010 THE YEAR OF MORE CHANGE!
DATE: Saturday, December 26, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Today happened to be an okay day for us. We had two fish going at the
same time. One of them happened to be an oversize one up to 73inches and the one we lost in
which he may have been a nice size fish. But due to the fact we got broken off we won't ever
know! We got those hook ups in 32 ft. of water behind the last row of ships (Suisun Bay)on the
Ebb tide. The bait of choice was ghost shrimp and as we scout the waters we are going to
make sure we know where the fish are for you guys as well as ourselves! (LOL) We have room
next month, so if your interested in coming out with us, we will be glad to have you! -Capt'n
DATE: Monday, December 21 - Tuesday, December 22, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Well well,we went out today and yesterday scouting the water, and I must
admit, I thought we had the shaker curse on us and Bam! We ended up with a keeper on both
days from 46 1/4 on friday night and 52 incher on Saturday morning! Well that broke the mode
and hopefully it gets better as the month comes to an end and maybe some warmer water. We
have room all this month for those whom are die hards and can stand a bit of cold! Give us a
call if you want to give it a shot! -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Friday, December 18 - Sunday, December 20, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Hello anglers,let me start by saying shakers seem to have taken over.We
have been fishing Suisun Bay and I must admit that it's been tough fishing, being that the water
temp has dropped. I really can't call it, why the fish aren't active other than the fact that the
water is cold. We've been catching shakers sturgeon back to back other than on the 20th we
got broke off with a keeper sturgeon as he got close to the boat! But for the most part of getting
out we've been on the fish, but during these winter months, the bite is really light and to catch
these bad boys,your attention needs to be devoted to your rod tips only. We have been on our
game and putting in our time, so as the days go by, we should soon get into some good fishing.
So until the next report; lets hope for some rain to help us out! Maybe with all the weather
we've been having we will be able to see the change in our waters to make it become muddy
for our sturgeon.Time will tell but for those whom are seeking a trophy fish of a lifetime and feel
that they're ready to put their time in; give us a call and we would love to take you out!
DATE: Tuesday, December 15, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Today we went out and fished Buoy 9 on the Suisun Bay and as all our
previous days,we only caught shakers up to 44 and 451/2 inches. But I guess we can't
complain being that we are getting some action and not being totally skunked. Our water
temperature was 48 degrees and it needs to be up a little; like 52 degrees or above to make
these fish become a bit more active. We may come on back out in a few days and scout the
water and try it again to see what we come up with. But until next time, stay posted and we will
keep you updated on our Bay/Delta. -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Thursday, December 10 - Saturday, December 12, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Well for some reason other than the water being cold, these fish seem to
have moved out to the deeper water and from what we seem to notice, only the shakers are
biting up here! (Suisun Bay) We have caught over % shakers fishing up here and all three
days we managed to muster up only undersized fish but we recognize that soon the bigger fish
are going to start to slide through and hopefully they want to eat! The tides we are fishing
happen to be real good but the fish are acting really finicky. Maybe on the next outing we will
see a change. Wish us luck and until the next report God bless! -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Monday, December 7, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Hello world, we went out last night and dang near froze our lil' butts off!
We fished Suisun Bay for about six hours and hit absolutely nothing! The fish were there
scattered but they didn't want to bite! I suppose being that the water temp has dropped even
more, the fish are getting really finicky! We tried soaking every bait possible but our bait would
be returned untouched no matter where we sat! We combed the waters for descent marks on
the meter and found them, but our knowledge told us that unless we happened to catch them
around feeding time on whatever tide their feeding on, we would have to have the patience of
Job! Well until we get back out again, stay posted! We know we have a small window of this
freezing weather and soon enough your gonna see what we have in store for you! But until
then we will continue to go hard through rain, sleet or cold. Wish us luck as we try and find
some active fish for you guys! Capt'n Steve
DATE: Tuesday, December 1, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Hey everyone! Let me start by saying the weather is getting cold! We sat
in an area stacked with fish sliding through, but we couldn't get picked up for nothing! The
water temperature was 53 degrees and the movement of the tides were right. But for some
reason these fish just seemed to have lock jaw. I guess some days you win and some you lose,
but for us, that just means another day on the water on the hunt. Days like last night, make us
fish harder to stay on TOP especially for our friends who charter with us. Its important to us, to
make sure we put our friends on fish. I suppose last night was another education night for us.
So we don't feel like our time was wasted, but a mental lesson. Anyway as we get better into
the season, our fishing is 'gonna get better and boiiiii do we love it when our favorite fish is
wide open!!!! Well time will tell it all. Well gang, I could go on talking about our sport we love so
much,but I wont! I will let you know that Favorite tide days are being booked up and if you
would like to get in on some good hook setting and be HOOK'D UP,give us a call! Capt'n Steve
DATE: Sunday, November 29, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Hello world! Well we are back and boy does it feel good to be back home
and on our waters! Today we had a small group of anglers out on the Suisun Bay. We fished it
hard today despite the heavy wind that we battled from the start of our day, till the end. We
managed to squeeze a couple of hook ups out of the blowing winds, in which the first hook-set,
after a slight bit, the hook pulled and the second ended up with a 45 incher. Wow he was only
an inch shy of being a keeper! Well you know how the game goes. We didn't feel too bad after
battling mother nature, especially when everyone else around us battled as well, but came up
Anyway we will be back out a couple of times before Friday; our next outing, and hopefully we
can get back on the fish and continue to do what we do! But until we report again, remember;
Dream Big Fish and think TOP GUN!!!!!!!!
DATE: Friday, November 20, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Hello everybody, well the weekend is here and I will be flying out of town
for the Thanksgiving holiday. And I gotta pat myself on the back for choosing the right time to
play hookie from work with all the weather (storms) that we're supposed to have this coming
week! I hope we get plenty of rain to help flush our junk fish out of the area, because the less
we have junk fish, the longer our bait can marinate for Mr. Sturgeon to come along and feast
on it. (LOL) I will be back Saturday the 28th and on the water Sunday the 29th with a group of
4. Wish us luck and until then, we will keep you posted on the outcome of our day back on the
bay. -Capt'n Steve
P.S. The water temperature will be dropping pretty soon and I would insist if you want to catch
a fatty (sturgeon), that you try and come on out now or else you may want to come out later in
the season when the water slightly warms. GIve us a call, we're expecting you!
DATE: Monday, November 16, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Well what a way to start the week! We went out (just the Top Gun Staff) to
scout the waters as we always do simply to stay up on the fish and their movement. And I must
say, our assumptions according to the tides. happened to be on point. We hit a couple of fish in
Suisun Bay in the shallows toward the Montezuma on the income. We also figured that if we
were gonna get picked up, it would have to be at the bottom of the big outgo, as well as the
incoming which in other words, put us on top once again. The hot bait for the night was eel! To
our surprise, the last outing, the fish only wanted ghost shrimp and last night they only wanted
the eel! Either way, we got them up to 58in and who could complain? We know it's been a hard
bite during the day but we recommend that instead of fishing in the day, if you can manage to
get out at night, try fishing then! And on these big tides when that water is ripping, try
anchoring in shallow water and once the tide slows, then move out towards the deep! We have
room on board if you would like to go catch one of these dinosaurs. So give us a call and let us
get you Hook'd Up on the fish!
DATE: Saturday, November 14, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Hello readers! I gotta tell ya', in between the days of us being out and
today, we sure had a few gusty days. But somehow we managed to make it out on this night
trip with 3 aboard the Gun and I must say it was a blast to put 3 clients on fish as well have 3
opportunities to catch 3 keepers. Well we hit 2 keepers out of the 3 as well as we were Hook'd
Up to a third keeper that ended up getting tail wrapped and once we got him close to the boat
he went bazerk and the swivel happened to be defected and gave way! So much for that one!
Wamp! Wamp! Wammmp! But for the most part, we got a 48 and 50 incher and the one lost
may have been the same size if not a tad bit bigger. The hot bait was ghost shrimp with some
lunker lotion on it! And for the record, Mike's Lunker Lotion is a good bait scent for those who
like bait scents! I want to congratulate Joseph Westbrook and Curtis Nixon on their catch being
that these were their first sturgeon ever caught! Nice job fellas' and hope to see you back!
Anyway readers, until next report, as I have said, 'Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!'
DATE: Sunday, November 1, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Hello everyone! We went out again tonight to try our luck again! We didn't
see very much as well we may have cruised in search of the mighty one for what seemed to be
hours. We finally dropped the pick on a known spot that we normally see them coming through,
simply not to catch a thing. Between the wind blowing and the crabs attacking, I don't know
what was worst! Either way, we were in a no-win situation, but that's fishing for you. We tried
moving from where we were back to the spot where we previously sat a couple of days before.
That happened to be a no-go as well because the wind wouldn't let us sit straight. So on that
note, we decided to take it in and give it a shot in a couple of days when this wind will be
down! Oh well when we take it back out, we will let you know our observations as well if the
Top Gun was on top for that day! Stay tuned for we will give the reports to you raw and uncut.
(No fisherman stories) -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Thursday, October 29, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Well everyone, today we went out to scout the waters of the Suisun Bay
and happened to run across a gang of scattered fish! The marks were there but not very many
good ones! We cruised the waters to find good enough marks to drop the pick on, but seen
only a few that were kind of a gamble. Anyway, we dropped the pick near Garnett Pt. and had
action for 8 shakers and got busted off on the hookset on one, as well lost a definite keeper or
oversized, after fighting him for about 5 or 10 minutes. The hook pulled and Boy was that a
bummer! Wamp! Wamp! Wammmmp! For the most part of us not coming home with any
keepers, we did happen to hear jumpers all around us to make us know that we will be back
tomorrow to try our luck and skills again, hoping to be more prosperous on day two back at the
big boys! Keep your fingers crossed and we shall keep you informed on what we do out there,
come tomorrow! Remember, even when the Top Gun isn't out with clients, we make it our
business to be out there locating the fish so we can always stay on top of our game to please
you when you come aboard! Stay tuned for what's to come.
DATE: Monday, October 26, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Hello everyone, we didn't go out today due to the crappy tides, but come
Thursday, October 29, we will start our hunt for the mighty sturgeon, my favorite! Stay tuned
for the fireworks are really about to explode. Aboard this boat, we live to catch a fatty! Give us
a call if you are ready to do battle with one of these dinosaurs! Capt'n Steve
DATE: Sunday, October 25, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Well people, I can't really call it, but the last time we went out, the fishing
was pretty crappy! Today wasn't any better other than one 12lber and a couple of 5lbers. The
fish are there but for some reason, they don't want to bite, I suppose it's this front that may be
pushing in! I'm glad it's the Top Gun Staff and not clients, because these days would really be
considered bummer days! But you never know what tomorrow's gonna bring! Maybe we will
change our strategy to see if we will be back on the Top Gun tomorrow! Stay tuned as well if
you want to be the one to get it started again, give us a call! I know it seems BUNK at the
moment, but we aboard the Top Gun must keep you informed about the good along with the
bad, otherwise, we wouldn't be able to rep the name Top Gun! -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Wednesday, October 21, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Today we took out a group of 4 on a renegade trip and it was very much a
weird day for us being that we seen the fish and they seem to be stacked along the channel
edge in 36ft of water, but we only caught 4 fish up to 5lbs the entire time. We don't know why
we couldn't pick up on more fish!, Maybe it was the pressure on the water. Who knows, but I
don't like those types of days. I guess we gotta take the bitter with the sweet. Just too bad that
this had to be a day with clients on board. Good thing they were all die hard, commercial
fishermen and friends of the Top Gun! Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose! That's fishing
for you! Stay tuned, we will let you know what tomorrow may bring.
DATE: Sunday, October 18, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Wanted to let everyone know, besides the good striper fishing going on in
the San Pablo Bay, we had a trip for 5 aboard, we went out to Point Raes and did exceptionally
well! We hit 3 nice size Lingcods as well limits of rockcods for five and a couple of nice Pacific
butts on live sardines! How lucky could we have gotten to get live bait on the last day that it
was gonna be for sale!!!! But for the most part, the fishing was great and I recommend if you
haven't been out rockfishing this year, if at all possible, go give it a shot out at the Islands or Pt.
Raes area, it's worth the trip before its over! The fishing is good at this time of the year! Hope
to be out there again before its over with!
DATE: Wednesday, October 14, 2009
FISHING REPORT: We went out and did okay for a steady hook up every 15 to 20 minutes.
For the tides to be as great as they were you would think today would be a grand slam day
according to the previous days and the tide picking up a bit more movement. We had scattered
size fish from 5 to 12lbs and it's gonna get better. The weather, whether good or bad, hasn't
stopped these fish from biting and as I stated before, only the strong survive. We will keep you
posted! Compliments of the Top Gun Staff!
DATE: Monday, October 12, 2009
FISHING REPORT: We hit big today for a total of 20 stripers from like 6am to about 2pm.
Average fish was between 6 and 8lbs, a couple of 10lbers were caught, but for the most part of
our day, we hit 8lbers on live and dead bullheads. We didn't have any clients today, but as I
said, 'We at Hook'd Up Sportfishing make it our duty to know what these waters are producing
as well as where the fish are!' Stay tuned, for our next trip out with clients will be on the 18th
for some Farallon Island / Pt. Raes, Lingcod and Rockcod fishing. Hope the weather will permit!
DATE: Friday, October 30, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Well everyone as I said we would be back tonight to try it again and we
anchored up back near Garnett Pt. in about 18ft of water and I must say, our intelligence paid
off. We sat on the outgoing tide and noticed that the fish wasn't jumping at all, but through it all
we managed to hit two keepers as well a few shakers around the mid 50's in size, 52", 541/2"!
We thought being that the fish were biting rather finicky, we did rather well. The hot bait was
ghost shrimp and I gotta tell you, I'm sure as we put in more time out here we're going to find
that I bet these fish are wanting the eel as well! Time will tell us and once we know, you will
know! Oh well, stayed tuned and give us a call to book the best tides up before it's too late, We
have openings and would love to put you on the fish! Until we report again, 'Dream big fish
and think Top Gun!' (LOL)
DATE: Sunday, October 11, 2009
FISHING REPORT: After seeing the bite go from mid-tide to the top of the tide yesterday, we
knew what to expect today! Ladies and gentlemen, when I say, 'We burst the bay wide open
today!' Believe me, we hook'd up like the fish wanted to jump in the boat without being fished
for. We had maybe 5 times limits for 5 on the Top Gun, and my clients were freaking out due to
the fact that they'd never hit so many above average size fish with a few 15lbers scratched. I
was a bit tickled to see how antsy they were to hurry and soak a bait after catching a fish. They
were almost panicking as though the fish were gonna disappear. I told them, 'This school of
fish aren't going anywhere, anytime soon" due to the way they were feeding. The hot bait was
dead cut bullheads, no live ones today and I mean they gobbled it all up as the tide topped off
as well started out! Man what a day! We are on some good fishing at the moment, come on
aboard and join us. We look forward to seeing ya!
DATE: Saturday, October 10, 2009
FISHING REPORT: We had a party of 4 today and for a minute they felt as though, "Where are
the fish that are feeding?" We fished almost the whole tide before the fish bit! We had limits but
surprisingly, the bite didn't start until maybe 30 minutes before the top of the tide. For a minute
everyone felt as though the fish weren't gonna bite, but when they did; it was good! We hit
mainly 10lbers and a few fives which we kept tossing back. But for the most part, the fishing
continues to be getting better! Stay tuned and we will see!
DATE: Friday, October 9, 2009
FISHING REPORT: I had no charter today but after yesterday cracking wide as it did, I had to
come out to make sure of what the fish were gonna do! Well for sure the fish are hanging along
the edge of the channels ranging from 30 to 37ft and I know yesterday the bite was starting at
mid-tide and sure enough as I'd said, the bite began. We were getting them in 27ft of water up
to about 9 and 12lbs. So we couldn't complain. The hot bait no matter what you used, was
bullheads however you wanted to present it to them. Wow! What a day!
DATE: Wednesday, October 7, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Today started off slow but I must say we anticipated the fish to become
active within the middle of the tide and I'll admit as we expected, boy did they break wide. I
mean hook up after hook up; no matter whether the bait was live or dead, cut or non-cut, these
fish wanted to eat. I know its going to get even better and soon to come! My blood seems to
flow better as I sense the bite about to pick up on these days to come. Hope you're ready! Stay
tuned... I want everyone to know; besides these striper biting; the sturgeon are on as well.
Anyone looking to get on those fatties (sturgeon) give me a call and remember I do night trips,
especially for sturgeon; being that the big boys bite at night. We have dates still available for
now but reserve your spot soon as the days with the best tides are filling up quickly!
DATE: Monday, October 5, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Today we had a super day of steady action on the stripers towards the
middle to the top of the incoming tide. I felt pretty good sitting in 30ft of water and watching my
meter light up with a gang of positive marks. We kept a steady pull on a rod every 10 to 15
minutes towards the top, keeping anglers anxious and on their toes. Our fish averaged in the 6
to 8 lb range and some touching 10lbs or a lil' shy. But who could complain, especially when
you're taking home limits! I'm sure we are gonna start in on the fatties for real instead of spurts
here and there. Give us a call and try out the fishing for stripers while its getting better. Hope to
see you on the deck angler! -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Friday, October 2, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers! First I'd like to let it be known that the Rockfish season is
getting really good to the Top Gun and other vessels out there fishing the islands as well as
Point Raes. To my surprise as well as everyone else, of course they're closing our season
early. Bummer! But be that as it may, aboard the Top Gun we are taking advantage of the days
we have left. We went out and caught limits for the entire 6 pack, but no lings. We figure we
weren't in the right zone to catch us one of those dragon-toothed rascals. Maybe our next trip
out, we will definitely get on them. Of course, most of the customers wanted Lingcod, but I
believe all the Reds and Blues plus a hand full of nice Cabezonians made their day instead. Its
the luck of the draw and sometimes it pays off gracefully! Well anyway anglers, stay tuned for
what's to come. We don't have anymore Rockfish trips booked for at least another week and a
half. But do stay tuned as for the striper trips seem to keep us going! We will keep you posted.
DATE: Wednesday, September 30, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Hello guys and gals, today we didn't have a trip booked but as a captain
who likes to keep his clients on the fish, I don't like to let too many days not on the water, get in
between my scheduled trips, because it tends to throw you off when it comes to the activities of
the fish. I, for one, must know at all times what the fish are doing because a happy customer
means I'm doing my job well. So no matter what, if we're booked or not, you can count on us to
know where the fish are! We have dates available for you who wish to give it a shot at a
trophy. Give us a call! -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Monday, September 28, 2009
FISHING REPORT: This morning started out slow for us with a scratch of fish here and there,
but as the tide picked up we started to catch fish. We hit an 18lber as well as some 10 &
12lbers out here in the bay. The hitting depth of water seemed to be 30ft along the starboard
side of the channel. It looked as though things were gonna be ugly for us, but I guess we were
in for a surprise. Seemed as the tide went on towards the middle, the fish that were suspended
holding in about 19 to 20'; they started to drop down towards the bottom and at that point, all
the way to the top of the tide, I must say the bite was on! Strange being that the fish at first
were biting on the initial push of the incoming tide, but now, they're towards the middle turning
on, then the bite dies as the tide turns around. Oh well, you can bet the Top Gun will be there
when the bite begins and ends. That's the name of our game! And if you so choose to want to
get in on the action, give us a call.
DATE: Saturday, September 26, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Ok Anglers, as I said, 'Location is key'. Last night we shuffled around and I
must admit it payed off as we fished the Napa River slightly past the towers. We hit a number
of fish (striped bass) on the outgoing tide with a couple of scratches weighing up to 10lbs and
the others weighing 5-6lbs. We couldn't complain because we got limits for 3 and the fishing
out here has been hit and miss. It's nothing like the San Pablo Bay; but when the fish are here,
boy do the bigs boys come in and show out. 40lbers that can make the most seasoned angler
look bad and question his skills. That's what we're looking for. For those of you who believe
that you have what it takes to land one of these Sea Giants; come on aboard and reserve your
spot today, we have room! Only the strong survive. Hit us up when you're ready to battle.
Captain Steve welcomes you all!
DATE: Friday, September 25, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Well sportsmen and women (LOL) as I always say, 'The big boys bite at
night.' We went into the Napa River and for some reason; couldn't get picked up for some
quality fishing; mainly schoolies kept picking up our bullheads and spitting them out before you
could blink your eyes. I must say, 'this night was a bummer' but we plan on trying it again
tomorrow night. And who knows, maybe location is key in this one because we sure didn't get
them. I gotta report the bad with the good, simply to keep it real. Fishing isn't always slammin', I
gotta tell ya', it has its bad moments too. Wamp! Wamp! Wamppp!
DATE: Wednesday, September 23, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers, I told you as the days go by, the fishing seems to get better.
Today we had limits for 4, with a consistent bite on this incoming tide. We played catch and
release as well swapping lil' fish for big fish; you know the game. Besides good fishing; who
could complain about the weather. Seems to be working for us as well, I must admit everyone
on this boat happens to leave happy and excited about rebooking. I can't complain because a
satisfied customer keeps me happy, especially when you could never predict what's going to
happen. I'm sure you guys feel me!
DATE: Sunday, September 20, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Today was a good day with the limits of striper for a group of 5 and I must
admit that it was a day of steady action as the tide shifted gears on us into high speed. We
switched from live bullheads to dead cut bullheads and for the most part; we kept a rod bent
over every10 or 15 minutes and who could complain? It's only gonna get better as the days go
along. We're looking forward to the fishing becoming full throttle by next week, no later than the
week after; because these fish seem to show more and more as the days go on. I'm thrilled to
entertain my customers with some quality fishing and soon enough everyone will see where I'm
coming from. Anyway gang, enough of me speaking on today. I invite you to come out and see
for yourselves, aboard the Top Gun! We have space, so come on out for a day on the bay!
DATE: Saturday, September 19, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Man, do we love these tides, with all the action they seem to bring. I mean
an incoming of 6ft with an incoming bite, who could complain. Today we had a consistent bite
on the stripers from 5-7lbs as well as a few scratches of 8lber here and there. With a few
scratches showing that's a good sign that it won't be long before the 10 & 15lbers become the
regularly caught fish and boy we can't wait! It's nothing like seeing the excitement in our clients'
face as they catch classic stripers wide open. I don't know; but maybe it's the joy in being
Hook'd Up with me that excites me. (LOL) Oh well, we always have room for you to come on
out for a day on the bay with us and we hope to see you soon.
DATE: Friday, September 18, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Wow is all I can say! Hello Anglers, today was a day of intrigue. The fish
today; as we had a half-day evening trip as well a night trip; really surprised us as of the bite
pattern changed from yesterday to today. We hit fish again in the 5-6lb range on the half-day
trip on the outgo. We kept a rod going for the most part of the trip as well we got into some
good leopard sharks; ranging from 4-6ft and Oh! did this group enjoy the fight of the
aggressive leopards being caught, especially when the schoolies can only do so much. But
even better, we left the San Pablo being that dawn had hit us and we went into the Napa River
(into the sloughs) and using the hot bait (cut Bullheads). Aimy R. hit her first 22lb striper, in
which under the coaching of Captain Steve, she landed this trophy and boy was he a decent
catch for the night. I continue to stress the point that night fishing is the ticket for personal
record fish. Believe me when I speak! We're just curious as to who will be the next to catch a
fish of a lifetime aboard the Top Gun. We're steadily planning trips and would love to see you
on board with us as we have available dates and space on some trips being booked up
everyday. We encourage you to stay tuned as we will let you know when the bigger fish start
pushing in. Get Hook'd Up aboard the Top Gun.
DATE: Thursday, September 17, 2009
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers! I must say I'm looking forward to another good striper
season. As the days go by, I'm sure the fishing is going to get better. Today we hit fish from
5-6lbs on both sides of the tide and I must admit it was some pretty good fishing with rods
going down and hooking up every 5, 10, to no more than 15 minutes. We couldn't complain
about the schoolies, being that they stayed active as well it was a sign that it wouldn't be long
back here in the San Pablo Bay that we should see some bigger, better marks showing up. For
a group of 5, we limited out before a quarter of the day began; but catch and release became
the thing to do; being that the fish were so consistent. We look forward to bigger and better as
the weeks roll into October. Don't miss out and reserve your trips early as these striper trips fill
up fast on this boat. We have room on a number of dates, so give us a call and get in on the
DATE: Sunday, March 28, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today was a day full of weather, but we did okay scouting today. We
didn't get any keepers today but we got an almost 200lber (sturgeon) measuring 82 3/4 inches
which we got a couple of pictures and released her. We also picked up some flounder, nice
stripers up to 6 or 7 lbs and a seven gill up to 44 in.! Beyond the weather I would like to say
that the day overall was okay only because my friend hit that 200lber as well the fish were
there to be caught! The forces of mother nature was one to deal with. Oh well we will be back
out Wednesday March 31st on a trip with some guys hopefully to get them Hook'D up and we
will report back to you guys then. Until then,dream big fish and think TOP GUN!!!!
DATE: Saturday, March 27, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Flat calm was the day on the water as well scorching hot! But beyond the
heat, the fish were somewhat active and we hit them good! For the start of the day we hit an
oversize up to 100 lbs-74 in. on the flood tide as well a 56incher and another oversize up to
66lbs-67 inches on the Ebb tide. the hot bait was eel and mudshrimp and ghost shrimp. We
had a good time out there on the San Pablo Bay, and we encourage you to come on out now
and get Hook'd Up 'cause the bite is on now and we would love to get you going on a nice one.
So give us a call and let's plan your ideal trip out! -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Friday, March 26, 2010
FISHING REPORT: We went out this evening thinking we were going to do some good, but we
had no luck due to the wind blowing extremely hard out there on the San Pablo. So we went
into the Napa River to see what was in there simply to find out that the fish were super
scattered as well, only a few fish were marked. At that point, we knew that the evening was
going to be long and based on hope and a prayer. After sitting for hours seeming like eternity,
we decided to end the day and come back tomorrow and see what the weekend holds for us.
Thats fishing for you though! Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Either way we still
are on the fish and we will be back on them come tomorrow. Give us a call when your ready to
get up on them! The sturgeon and big winter run stripers are waiting on us! So come on out,
lets get'em! Capt'n Steve
DATE: Tuesday, April 6, 2010
FISHING REPORT: This afternoon we fished the San Pablo Bay with two friends of ours,
prepared and ready to do battle! I gotta tell ya, we went in to score and thats what we did! We
had an overall okay evening, I would say. We had a couple of sturgeon caught from 45 in. up
to 65in. & 71lbs, a striper up to 7lbs and a nice flounder. For the time spent out there we
couldn't complain! We fished the evening flood under some rather rough weather conditions
and as a team we made the best of it! The fish are definitely biting well and I myself feel this is
the beginning of the spring zone; which is when the fish (sturgeon) like to push up in the
shallows for that warmer water! Thats when these dinosaurs really can be caught with the
least bit of effort! Suicide City!!!!!!!! I would like to commend my friend Todd(Tennis Shoe
Toddy) on the nice fish he landed on 15lb test! Nice job Todd! Anyway once again Halibut
season is back and we will be taking reservations for trips, so think on it and give us a call!
Looks as though the summer is gonna be great for us all. Lets look forward to meeting and
enjoying it together out on the bay! -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Thursday, April 8, 2010
FISHING REPORT: 'Hook'D Up!' is what I screamed as the
bite was on! Today was an okay day as we fished the
evening flood in the San Pablo Bay. We hit one keeper
(60 incher) after dropping the pick! And I gotta tell ya' the
water back here was moving; but like glass! We noticed fish
all around us but the concentration seemed to be further in
towards Sonoma Creek! We spotted jumpers left and right
which confirmed that the fish are here and active. We
figured with the tide moving like it was we were bound to hit
another one, but we had wind kick up from the southeast
that made fishing a bit difficult! So we sat a lil' while longer
and caught a nice flounder and decided that we would end
our scouting and take it in! Bottom line is; we know these
fish are here and they're in great numbers! So if your desire is to catch these early Spring
stripers or the mighty sturgeon, I would advise you to come on out with us now. And while the
getting is good; I would like to get you out there and going on a nice hog or fat striper simply to
make your day! We have openings on trips if your interested in being Hook'D Up ! Give us a
call and lets do it! -Capt'N Steve

DATE: Saturday, April 24, 2010
FISHING REPORT: We went out today on the straits and fished a few spots around them parts
looking for the big one, but had no luck. We started out fine and within a couple hours the wind
decided that no one was going to fish that water comfortably. So we scuffled around to check
other areas slightly out of the wind and still had no luck other than a striper up to 5lbs! Other
than that lets just say, 'The Day Sucked!!!!!' But that's fishing! We are still on the sturgeon hunt
as well halibut stripers and sharks! So if you have an interest in coming aboard, give us a call!
P.S. The halibut are showing up in good numbers now, so if you want to come aboard and get
the best halibut tides, give us a call before they're gone! -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Sunday, May 2, 2010
FISHING REPORT: We went out today on the Napa river
to give it another shot only because we started in the San
Pablo bay, but the wind wouldn't give. So our plan B was to
hit the river up and hopefully duck out of the wind and get fish!
Well I must say we got'em! I want to commend Big Gary from
Oakland Ca. On his first sturgeon ever caught in which his
catch was a nice fat 52incher! We got that fish on the bottom
of the Ebb on a eel/ghostshrimp combo! Then as the tide
turned we hooked into another fish which was a definite over-
size that we couldn't stop!The reel screamed from the time we
hooked into the fish until of course he broke us off! We never
got to see him but we gave him a nick name in case we hook
him again (Baby Sub)! Well after those two hook ups, the wind
decided it was going to end our day and it did! But overall, we
had a good day out there with beautiful weather! We are now
currently starting our halibut fishing and we will still continue to
sturgeon fish for those whom want to get in on the spring run FATTIES! But we have openings
on some good tidal days for those who want a trophy or some decent 'buts out there. So give
us a call, we would love to put you on the fish and have a great time with you! (707) 655-6736
-Capt'n Steve
DATE: Friday, April 30, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Tonight we went out on the Napa river scouting to see if the spring run
sturgeon had come up in there yet! Well they seem to be in there, although we didn't catch a
single fish for the few hours we sat out there! The fish seem to be coming in there thick at the
moment and I believe that they're feeding in the early morning and one thing is for sure,
spawning fish after they spawn seem to be super hungry and thats what we are looking for.
These fish are about to go nuts in a minute and the TOP GUN will be there when they do! This
is our specialty (Sturgeon fishing) as well hunting for the one! (LOL) We will be back out Sun.,
May 2 with a full charter and we ask that you wish us luck on coming back with a good report!
Well until then we will be back at you in a couple, stay tuned!

DATE: Friday, May 14, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Well today was a beautiful day to be on the water I must say! But as we
trolled for halibut today, the brown water seemed to not want to clear up for us do to the wind
and of course the minus tides! We trolled all day throughout the Berkeley flats as well several
other known spots only to get picked up by one halibut up to 8lbs! We knew today wasn't the
ideal day to be out here fishing for these Buts, but we figured we had nothing else going on so
we still gave it a shot! We know that soon enough, the fish will be in the bay thick and we are
booking trips for these fatties. So if you have a desire to come on out with us, give us a call!
We also are still fishing for our specialty (Sturgeon) for those whom are looking for a trophy of
a lifetime, being that these fish have moved in the rivers and sloughs this year sort of late this
year! But they're there and we would love to put you on them! We have a trip tomorrow for the
mighty one. Wish us luck and we will let you know how we done in our next report!
-Capt'n Steve
DATE: Saturday, May 15, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today we went out fishing for the mighty one in the Napa River! The
conditions were ideal for the most part of the morning, but as the day grew, so did the wind and
we couldn't get bit for anything in the world! We had one client today who had the entire boat
to himself. We put him on the fish, but they wouldn't bite! So after a while of moving around to
stay with the fish, we decided to call it a day and take it in! We plan on returning back up here
being that the fish happen to be holding in these parts, but until next time, stay tuned & we will
keep you up on the latest news aboard the Top gun! For those whom would like to reserve the
better tidal days for Halibut fishing, give us a call soon for those days seem to go fast! Anyway
until we report again, remember to dream of big fish and think of the Top Gun! God Bless!
DATE: Friday, May 21, 2010
FISHING REPORT: First let me start off by
saying,'Aboard the Top gun we had an
exclusive guest,' my friend, John Badger
(Owner/operator of Barbarian Sport Fishing),
in which John and I decided to get together
being that his vessel was down, and as we all
know as die hard anglers its hard to be away
from the water when you have a passion for
our sport! Weather was an issue today as we
took a group of five out to the south bay! But
we managed to squeeze 5 halibuts ranging
from 8 to18 lbs to the boat as well 1 striped
bass at 6lbs! When I tell you that the wind was blowing at least 20 knots up to close to 30!
Thats honestly the truth, but it was one of the clients 11th birthday. So we had to work hard to
make it a memorable one for him! We started off in Emeryville and seen much bait fish on the
bottom but after one pass our intuition led us to pull the gear and head towards Alameda
looking for an aggressive bite! We didn't get it like we expected, so we took off and headed
towards Hunters Point in which we picked up our first but! From that point we managed to
travel further south and scratched up the remainder and made our day become something that
from the looks of it, seemed to be a disaster! God is good though because I didn't see Him
leaving the birthday boy with a skunk for the day! Over all, we managed to troll our way
through it and made a day out of it! Congratulations guys and we hope to see you back again!
Well tomorrow we will be back out again with a group of three on a halibut/striper trip! Stay
tuned to see what we will report come tomorrow! We have openings still on certain days for
those who seem to be ready for the challenge on our San Francisco Bay. So give us a call and
lets make it happen! -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Saturday, May 22, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today We went out with a
different game plan as we fished live bait on
the drift for three clients! We had lots of
weather, but beyond that we had determination
to get our clients as well friends some fish to
take home! We fished the south bay once
again & ended up with limits of striped bass
and one fish shy of limits of halibut for the
three. Over all, the drifting turned out to be a
better plan than we imagined due to the South-
east winds! But over all, it was a good day for
us and we look forward to more days like this
to come!The fish (halibut) ranged from 8 To 20 lbs and the stripers from 5 to 7 lbs,and who
could complain! I give my friend John Badger major props for his knowledge as well team spirit
to work together and produce decent scores for the charts! We will be back out Thursday
coming up to do it all over again! Wont you join us on an extravaganza as we put together a
trip of a life time for you!Give us a call,we await the day! -Capt'n Steve (We also have a report
written by my friend Capt'n John Badger as an attachment! Check it out!) Until we report again,
Dream Big Fish And Think TOP GUN!
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DATE: Wednesday, June 2, 2010
FISHING REPORT: To whom that may have an interest: We at Hook'D Up Sportfishing had a
last minute cancellation for this coming up Saturday June 5,2010 in which on this day, there
will be two individual Halibut Derbies! One will be hosted by Full Speed, held in Richmond and
the other hosted by Tri City, in Berkeley. Anyone that may want to fish either of these derbies
should give us a call at 707-655-6736! Also you can check us out on our web site
at( and we also have a daily fishing report. So check us out and
feel free to come aboard; for we on the Top Gun; love meeting and making new friends, as well
putting fish on the deck! Until we meet, GOD BLESS! -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Friday, June 4, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Well let's just start off by
saying, 'we were fruitful!' We pounded the bottom
all day for a score of 8 Halibut from 8lbs to 15lbs!
The day was beautiful and everyone went home
happy. We plan on fishing again Sunday with a full
charter on a potluck trip and hope that the day
turns out the same, if not better. So stay tuned and
look for the next report! We have open dates for
full charters for those who want to get on these
fish. It's really getting better out here and we want
to be there at all cost! So give us a call!
-Capt'n Steve

DATE: Tuesday, June 8, 2010
FISHING REPORT: We went out commercial fishing today
and only picked up 3 halibut as well lost a couple at the
boat, due to the tangles. We also had a wide open striper
bite in which our day was okay due to us trying to locate
these fish and all. Our halibuts ranged from 10-15lbs
and the stripers were from 6-15lbs. We couldn't shake the
stripers for nothing! They were everywhere. But we will be
back out Thurs. or Fri. commercial fishing. So stay tuned!
We have openings for the days to come and would love to
put you on the fish. Give us a call and let's make it happen!
-Capt'n Steve

DATE: Monday, June 21, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today was a day of intrigue!
Let me start off by saying, we had to work
extremely hard just to scratch up some fish! We
managed to pull three decent Halibut out along
with a shaker and one nice size Striper about 10
or 11lbs. We were trying for the best score
possible for this group of guys, but it seemed that
all the areas we drifted, had already been
pounded hard. So we could only just keep
searching until we found what we came for. I
would say, the highlights of this trip was the fact
that we thought we had a monster Halibut on the
line, but it turned out to be a gigantic Stingray. Oh No!(LOL) That was the second one of the
day and these critters were at least 80-100lbs each! I guess you could say it was good action,
but we are a crew on a mission, with a quest for The One and though we didn't get the scores
we were looking for, we still managed to send our clients home with a few fish! Well...Until we
report again, stay tuned and check out what's next to come! We still have openings for those of
you who desire to get in on the action aboard the Top Gun! So give us a call! - Capt'n Steve

DATE: Wednesday, June 23, 2010
FISHING REPORT: We went out today on a mission after
halibut while commercial fishing and I must admit, fishing for
these critters have been a little tough. Everyone's
wondering what's going on this season for the 'buts, and
it's a wonder whether the fish are coming in late or is it a
bad season overall! Well we managed to scrape up some
fish, as well found a nice little pod of fish congregating and
willing to bite. So we plan on hitting them when we go back
out and hope that this is the mother load! Anyway, stay
tuned and see what the outcome is for our next adventure
on the water. Hopefully we will pull fish like the ones we hit
today that's some good weight as well descent for any client aboard the Top Gun! Oh well,
give us a call if you have a desire to catch some of these tasty fish and we will do our best to
get you out there and on the fish! Until then, DREAM BIG FISH and think TOP GUN!!!!!!!

DATE: Thursday, July 8, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today, we basically did a repeat of yesterday and ended up with 6 fish
(Halibut) for the day; being that we had a hard time finding any fish. All you could hear today
was everyone on the radio talking trash about how this season of Halibut fishing, sucks! Well,
its' true but we aboard the Top Gun are going to get what we can get! We live for this and
realize that you gotta take the bitter with the sweet.
Also, we run shark trips (7 gill, Leopard sharks and Soup Fin), for those who need a serious
adrenaline rush with non-stop action. If you want to pull on some of these tasty critters from 4ft
up to 10ft, give us a call and we'll put you on the narly ones! So give us a call, we're waiting on
you. Don't forget the Rockfish as well! (707) 655-6736 -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Wednesday, July 7, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today started
off really slow and we searched and
searched the water this morning
looking for fish, but they simply didn't
want to bite until this afternoon. And
with all the boats as well as party
boats in a small area; we only
managed to pick up 6 fish (Halibut)
and lost a couple that came
unbuttoned. But due to the hard
fishing and pressure on the spot
where we knew the fish were holding
we didn't complain. We are sure that
as soon as the open ocean starts to crack, we will be on them! Not that we're not on them now,
but I mean the bigger fish with weight will be easier to pick off; and that's what we want when
commercial fishing as well as with clients! Well until next report, stay tuned. By the way, these
are the size of some of our fish that we've been catching behind Alcatraz! Nice huh? Give us a
call! (707) 655-6736
DATE: Tuesday, July 6, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today was okay, we caught Halibut from
10 to 35lbs and I must admit the bite happened to be on at Angel
Island. We wind drifted until it was time to move on, then we
scratched up the rest of our fish by Alcatraz. For the most part, we
are getting fish and nice ones at that. So if you're ready, my name
is Capt'n Steve! Give us a call @ (707) 655-6736
DATE: Monday, July 5, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today we went out and didn't get what we were looking for, but we ended
up with a few nice Stripers from 10 to 15lbs on live anchovies on the ebb. We were basically
fish hunting today to find out where the fish were holding. But I'm sure we'll find them come
tomorrow. Remember if you're interested in fishing with us, give us a call; especially if you're
sitting in the house hot! We would love to cool you down and get your adrenaline pumping out
here on the Bay and Ocean! Call (707) 655-6736

DATE: Saturday, July 10, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Wow what a day! We
went out today on a mission for Jaws him
-self! Instead we caught his cousins, Mr.
Leopard Shark; and boy, was it a site to
see. We fished for a matter of maybe 4
hours and at times we had an wide open
bite! We were in search for monster seven
gill and although we hooked a number of
seven gill, they weren't the size we were
looking for so we tossed them back to
grow up so our kids could come back to
catch them one day! We did do our 'thang though when it came to the Leopards because they
happen to be the aggressor out of the sharks we were targeting. We hooked limits for four on
this trip with a decent amount of female leopards that stayed on the lurk for our mid-shipment!
Wow! We at Hook'd Up Sportfishing invite you guys and gals out on an shark fishing excursion
for some non-stop action in which we challenge your 'A' Game against these narly specimen of
fish. These fish are aggressive on the bite once we get them started and when we say FISH
ON! You better be ready because the reel will scream and the saga has began for the one!
Give us a call when your ready to get on the fish. We currently are fishing for Halibut, Striped
Bass, Rockfish and Shark, so if you have an interest, give us a call!
Hello Guys and Gals,
Sorry for the break in between reports... I've been a little busy recovering from my surgery and
since, I've been back on the water; on a hard hunt when I know I should've been resting. But
for you guys and gals, I go hard! Because if there is anybody to get'er done, I'll be the one to
make an effort at it. That's why they call our sport: fishing! Glad to be back!
DATE: Thursday, August 5, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today was our first day out this
month and I have to say; it wasn't as rough for us
today as it was for some. After hearing the scores
from everyone, I suppose us having only five fish for
the day, made me feel a little better; considering most
only had one to three. And we had 5 Buts from 8 to
20lbs; for three guest. I know it's fish to be caught and
we're out to locate them. Dates are constantly being
booked and we'd love to give everyone a shot out
there to fish with us. Give us a call! -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Friday, August 6, 2010
FISHING REPORT: We went out today on a potluck trip and fished the Bay with 5 but after
they had a couple come unbuttoned, we had to terminate the trip due to me not feeling well. So
we rescheduled, which probably was best; considering the way the fish weren't biting that day.
Anyway, we will be back out on August 8th. Stay tuned so we can report the highlights of that
trip. It should be explosive. We will keep you posted.
DATE: Sunday, August 8, 2010
went out in the Bay for some Shark
Fishing. The day was a blast for the
anglers aboard. I've never seen such
a great group of guys have so much
fun. We had a group of 5 land some
extremely nice 'catching and eating
-size' 7 Gills. The catch was ranging
from keeper size all the way up to
5 1/2 feet! Nice fighting action
throughout the entire incoming tide.
We had only one Leopard Shark
throughout all of the catch! I've lost
count of how many catch and
releases we had. The guys really had us going hard with their skills of landing big fish. I had
one guy tell us that he felt as though his reel was broken and wouldn't crank anymore. I took
the rod, pulled on it, and told him 'yeah because you have a very big fish on there' and that reel
wasn't a winch. We were all tickled with him. But we had a ball and would love to see more
trips like this one. Well stay tuned...we'll keep you posted. Once again, I apologize for the big
break in between reports! -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Saturday, July 31, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Hello world, today we went out with a small group
with a Birthday Boy in the midst and I must admit he was one
interesting young boy whom I personally thought was one of the
koolest kids! We took them out shark fishing in which we caught a
number of seven gill as well numerous leopeard sharks. We fished
the entire day for shark and they seem to be okay sharks but not the
ones we were hoping to hook into! For the most part, there was
action as we expected but we couldn't get past the medium to small
fish to get to the 'humongaloids' that we know we were on! Maybe if
we had a slower tide, we could've gotten through to the ones that
really counted! Anything 5 ft. or better is descent to us! Overall, it was
an okay trip and we plan to do that again Saturday. Fishing has been
okay and dates are filling up. So if you have an interest in joining us, we suggest you call us,
because the better tidal days are being snatched up! We will be back out Thursday, Friday,
and Saturday. Stay tuned to see what's to come out of these three trips! -Capt'n Steve

DATE: Saturday, August 14, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Hello world, today we went out and combed
the bay starting from the north bay at Pt. Panole and Pt. San
Pablo all the way back down Lochlomond, Redrock and South
Hampton commercial fishing, simply not to catch anything but a
couple of shakers! We then went and tried a couple of drifts at
Angel Island west and didn't pick up anything. So then we
decided to make a run outside the gate to the north bar and for
some reason we couldn't get bit for anything in the world. So we
decided to go back in the bay and give Angel Island a shot and
after playing back the action we had last week we went to one
of our spots and the fish were there! Thank you Jesus! We at
first thought that we were going to come back in skunked but the odds changed for us! We
ended up with five fish and we figured we caught them on the end of their bite at the top of the
flood. So now that we know this, we know where to bring our clients we have boarding the Top
Gun on a potluck trip tomorrow! Hopefully all will go well and we pray that the lord will crack
the seas wide open for us! So stay tuned and we will let you know how tomorrow goes for us!
-Capt'n Steve!
DATE: Sunday, August 15, 2010
Hello Guys and Gals,
well I'm back with a decent
report for inquiring minds
and I must say the trip today
went well! We went out on
the North bar and pounded
the bar until we couldn't any
longer because the swells
and a couple people getting
sick! While we were out on
the bar, we hit two decent
fish, one every bit of twenty
five plus pounds and
another about twelve pounds! Then we went back inside and looked around until the
conditions were right for us to try and get on those fish like we did yesterday. Finally, as the
tide slowly climbed to its peak we made our way back over to our honey hole and then we
managed to pick up four more fish not to mention the couple that we lost! So overall, the trip
went really well considering all the other guys out there were only having a one fish day as well
as those with nothing!!!!! Just remember God is good and yes we count our blessings! So
overall, we had a good day considering the conditions out there! The Top Gun would like to
thank you Rob,Terry, and David for coming out supporting us as well being a great group of
guys! You are welcome anytime!
Well until we report again stay tuned and we would love to get you on the fish so give us a call
if your ready to hunt for that Trophy! We have discounted potluck trips and shark trips going on
at the moment. So if you have an interest, let us know and give us a call! Capt'n Steve

DATE: Wednesday, August 18, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today we started our
day with intentions to go do damage on a
hunt like THE LINCH MOB!!! Our plans was
to hit a few spots up and get our limits. Sure
enough after pounding with confidence and
determination, we managed to scrape up
limits plus some that came unbuttoned! We
fished the Ebb and Flood outside and I got to
give it up to the group of guys for their
'gritting it out' to turn their fishing into
catching. Good job fella's! We will be back
out tomorrow commercial fishing so stay
posted and we will give you the scores for the day!

DATE: Thursday, August 19, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today, we went out commercial fishing for
Halibut. The day started off rather slow, but as the evening
rolled around, the fishing started to pick up! We had numerous
pick-ups, between Halibut and Sharks, but most of them ended
up coming unbuttoned due to the small hooks as well, simply
biting finicky! We had five fish from 12 to 20lbs for the day.
Hopefully, we will be able to come back out tomorrow and
double today's scores! Nevertheless, we have room on
upcoming trips for those that may feel the need to pull on big fish. Give us a call if you're
interested in going out with us! -Capt'n Steve

DATE: Friday, August 27, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Today we went out commercial halibut fishing
on the central bay and from the gate; we hit one halibut about
8lbs. And after that, we searched around from spot to spot but
could not locate very much life. Thereafter, as the evening rolled
around, we started to set up monstrous drifts over prime ground
where we knew that they could’ve possibly been holding. Finally,
we ended up getting bit again, but this time it was a shaker which
led us to stay in the area, hoping that his big brothers and sisters,
or ma and pa, was around lurking. We came up with a couple of
scratched bait but seemed to only get hooked up with leopard
sharks, in which we may have caught maybe six or seven of
those. As the day grew old and before we were ready to call it
quits, we made one last drift. And on that last drift, we picked up
one hell of a fighting machine; a white sea bass up to 44lbs! We
then decided to call it a day but stay tuned because tomorrow we
shall report again the highlights of our day. We have a full charter
going out and we will keep you posted. Also, for those who may be interested in coming out
with us to get on the fish, don’t hesitate to give us a call. –Capt’n Steve

DATE: Tuesday, August 31,2010
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers, Let me
start by saying, 'WOW!' Today was a day of
excitement as this group of guys came out
from Nevada to do battle! I got to give it to
these guys for displaying skills of seasoned
anglers. We went on a shark adventure
targeting Seven Gill, Soupfin and Leapord
Shark. We hit numerous Seven Gill along
with a few Leapords and I must admit, the
non-stop action was one to be reckoned
with! We practiced catch and release due to
the large number of sharks caught! Our
catch today ranged from 3ft. up to about 4.5 or 5 ft. weighing in from 30 to 50lbs. As we fished
the flood tide, our choice bait happened to be jumbo sardines along with mid-shipment. Action
like this is what we aboard the Top Gun like to promote! We encourage you readers of our
reports to get your group together and come on out with us and let us put you on the fish! We
have available dates still vacant in this month. So feel free to give us a call at 707 655 6736
and I will personally set you up on a trip of a lifetime aboard the Prestigous Top Gun myself!
Hope to meet you soon!!!! -Capt'n Steve
DATE: Thursday,September 2, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers,
Today we went out with a group of
guys from Yuba City Ca., on a
Halibut mission! When we started
this morning, we fished inside the
bay on top of the flood, simply just
to get into a school of medium
size Leopard Sharks and a couple
of tail scratches. So soon after; I
made the decision to take this
mission outside the Golden Gate
to even the odds for us! The tides
were horrible because we barely
had any movement. But despite the
situation, that was nothing that a little motor mooching and trolling couldn'tmake up for. We
picked up our fair amount of halibut and then got chased off the ocean by the heavy fog that
surrounds our San Francisco Bay. Our pickings ranged
from 12 to 18lbs and I imagine these fish "may" hang
around for a few! Who knows, either way we will be out there on our grind daily TO KEEP
FISH IN THE BOX!!! If you would like to join us on a day on the bay, give us a call! From the
novice to the expert angler; we welcome you all !!! -Capt'n Steve

DATE: Saturday, September 11, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers,
Yes we are back with another report
from the Top Gun! First, let me start off
by saying that we had a blast with this
group of shark hunters! We departed
the Richmond Harbor today with the
intention to head to the South Bay to
do some damage to these ‘gnarly,
toothie’ critters. We started out fishing
the flood tide and I got to tell you that
the action started immediately. First
hook up of the day we hooked into a
nice-size stingray that was simply a
straight up brute; doing what he wanted
to do because he had the size as well, just being in his own element. Then we started hooking
Seven Gill and Leopard sharks ranging from 3ft to 4.5 to 5ft. and for the most part, we hook’d
up maybe a good 35 fish if not more for the day and I must admit, we had consistent action all
day with barely any time in between catching to even take a lunch break. I would say the
highlight of the trip was; we had one ‘gal on the boat who had a phobia of being close to
sharks and although it was a task to get her to come around to realizing that once these sharks
were out of their element, we had control of them. Finally, she got a bit over the fact that we
caught the shark and the shark didn’t catch us. So as the day progressed, she became this
Shark Hunter with intentions to let the sharks know she meant business; as she gutted and
bled them before we dropped them on the rope. I take my hat off to you, Ms. Stephany! But
overall, we had a blast as I said before. I guess you could call it a typical day aboard the TOP
GUN! Anyway, I’m going to wrap this report up, but for those of you who want to get out here
on these fish whether it is Sturgeon to Shark or Halibut to Striped Bass or Lingcod, give us a
call. We do it all and we’re ready when you are! Until we report again stay tuned! Also, we are
now taking reservations for the best tidal days for Sturgeon fishing. Hurry and book your trip
because these days won’t last long before they’re all booked up! -Capt’n Steve

DATE:Thursday,September 16,2010
Today we went out on a potluck trip
hoping to get into some descent fish!
We started out on the ocean fishing
Seal rock where we hooked into a few
fish. Seems as though the fish were
biting a bit soft. Out of the few hook
ups we had ,we only landed one of
the fish and lost another at the boat
that seem to have been so big that
we estimated at the time we seen
him to probably weigh in at the 30lb
mark if not better! The fish were
biting on sardines on the Ebb tide and I must admit that the fish were there. Anyway after a few
drifts, we had to return back into the bay do to a client getting sea sick. So then we fished
Angel Island for a few and then went to Treasure Island in which we picked up another fish and
then we had to end the trip due to the sickness of one of the clients! Over all we only had a
couple of fish landed for the day although we should of had a number of fish! But we ended up
with fish from 8 to 15lbs and we aren't complaining! But until we report again,stay tuned and
lets see what the next trip will deliver!!!- Capt'n Steve

DATE :Saturday September 25,2010
Today we started out at the docks
by loading up a family of five at our
home birth for the summer months
(Richmond) for some exciting shark
fishing! I got to tell you all how much
of a blast the trip was! Well we
started with first letting everyone
know the do's and donts when it
comes to this type of fishing and then
we took a thirty minute ride to the
fishing grounds in the South San
Francisco Bay. Soon after our arrival
we set everyone up and got all the
rods in the water and what do you
know,the first fish came within maybe five minutes . From that point on we couldn't sit down to
take a break. We got into some very nice size Seven Gill Sharks up to about forty or fifty lbs.
And also a few leopards that ranged from twenty to thirty lbs and boy were they fiesty!!! This
group of anglers were roping these fish left and right and I gota give it to the parents Stephen
and his lovely wife Gena for catching the two biggest fish for the day. This family had fishing in
their blood line and I must admit they made our day go swell being that they handled these fish
as though it was second nature to them. So now you know what kind of action shark fishing
produces! Non-stop action the entire day! If you think you have what it takes to become a
vicious shark hunter or maybe even just a halibut,striped bass or sturgeon fisherman,give us a
call and we would love to put you on the fish and show you how its done aboard the Top Gun.
So until we report again DREAM BIG FISH AND THINK TOP GUN!!!!!! Capt'n Steve

DATE :Sunday September 26,2010
started out fishing the Central San
Francisco Bay on a potluck trip with
a group of five! We started to go
outside the bay but we decided
against that after checking the
weather and learning that there
were very high swells out there. So
we searched inside the bay looking
for halibut,striped bass and white
sea bass in which we fished the
flood first and came up with two
nice size halibut up to 15 lbs.
Shortly after that we lost our current. So then we moved over to Angel Island and realised that
over there we had to much current and that it wasn't fishable. So then we went up by red rock
simply to pick up one striper and a rock cod! We continued our search, but we couldn't get
picked up for the life of me. So then we decided to call it a day and take it in! So much for our
catching on this fishing trip. Over all we arn't complaining because we except the bitter with the
sweet!!! We will be back out come this Thursday and Friday on potluck trips! Stay tuned and
lets see what these days to come will produce. Before I close let me congratulate Nick and his
cousin from Colorado for landing a couple of descent halibut and we would love to do it all over
with you guys! Anyway for those of you who feel that you stand a chance against our largest
residential fish in the San Francisco Bay,the mighty notorious, acrobatic sturgeon,give us a call
because we are now booking trips for sturgeon potluck trips which are sturgeon/winter run
striped bass. So give us a call and lets make it happen!!!!!! Capt'n Steve

DATE : Thursday September 30,2010
FISHING REPORT :Hello Anglers,
Today we went out on a Halibut trip
hoping to find the mother load! We
fished the Ebb tide from the start of
our trip in which from the very
beginning of our day we got
everyone set up and all the rods
soaking and bouncing. And then
"BAM!!!!" first fish of the day was a 25
plus pounder that got our day
started! So you know that was the
confidence booster for the day. Then
shortly after that we just started
picking fish up as the day went on!
We fished the central bay instead of going outside and it was a wise decision for me to make
being that the fish were holding pretty steady for us up to about noon and then the bite shut off.
We lost about 3 or 4 fish,one that exceeded the weight of the first one that we put into the boat.
And the others just came unbuttoned because of the way the fish were barely biting! Over all
we caught fish from 10 to 25 plus lbs and we couldn't complain being that everyone had a fair
shot at doing battle with one of these stealthy critters! We had a great time with this group of
guys and look forward to another get together in the near future. Anyway,we are starting our
sturgeon potluck trips now and we are on the move from the Richmond Marina, now to the
Vallejo Marina. Seasons change and so do we when it comes to these fish. Sturgeon fishing is
our specialty and for those of you whom never been HOOK'D UP with one of these fish, I
believe you need to give us a call and lets see what type of changes we could make in your life
once your bitten by the bug ( Sturgeon Bug) and you find yourself chasing that adrenaline rush
that you get once you've been pulled on by one of these acrobatic,full steam ahead critters.
Well it's time and if your interested in going out with us on a sturgeon/winter run striped bass
potluck,give us a call and lets see whats in store for you! So until we report again, stay tuned
and we will keep you posted! Capt'n Steve

DATE :Saturday October 9,2010
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers,
Today we set out to the South San
Francisco Bay on another shark
hunting adventure. I've got to tell
you, we couldn't of ask for a better
day in which we headed deep south
for the start of the trip with hopes
that we would catch the flood tide
as it starts its push and hit our
fish by noon. So that we may have
possibly went back into the central
bay for the Fleet Week air show!
We caught a good number of fish
down south, but then we also came back near the Bay Bridge and we hitt'em up down
there as well! Guess you could say "THE GUN WAS LOADED"! We fished with
sardines,anchovies and mid-shipment for bait . I cant say that one bait was better than the
other! We basically were getting bit on everything we baited up! When its good I guess you
could say yeah, its "good"! Anyway we are now booking sturgeon fishing trips also at a
discounted rate which is good for those folks whom may be feeling the squeeze of our
economy and simply need a break to relieve a little tension and stress! Well for the price you
cant beat it. So will you be next? Give us a call and lets get our hunt on for the mighty one !!!!!!

DATE: Saturday October 23,2010
FISHING REPORT: Today we went out for our last shark fishing trip of the year and I must say
it was definately time for change as Obama would say! We started out leaving Vallejo and
headed out to the San Pablo Bay. We had plans targeting leapord sharks for this group of
shark hunters, all though we would've gladly taken some nice size Seven Gill and or Soup fin!
We fished channel marker 4 as well hit up a few other spots to find these critters. And we found
them but they just were'nt biting for us.So out of a desperate attempt to satisfy our clients we
buzzed all the way down to Yerba Buena Island to fish the outgoing Ebb. Once we got there
and got set up,we threw out a few diffrent types of bate to see what these fish wanted to chow
on and then we picked up nothing still! Finally we put on some old bloody sardines and we got
hit by a lone sand shark.Shortly after that bite we got picked up by a nice keeper Leapord
shark and from that point on we were pretty much done sitting in the rain because for the life in
me we couldn't get bit for anything in the world! So that confirmed that our shark hunting was
definately coming to an end as of today. But we are in full swing now for our fall and winter
fishing. The sturgeon are here and in full and so are the 10lber stripers ready for us to come do
damage to them. If your certainly ready for some BIG GAME, give us a call 707-655-6736 and
we would be happy to help you plan your ideal trip! Capt'n Steve
DATE:Friday October 22,2010
FISHING REPORT: Hello world Im back! Sorry for my absence on the water. I had to have my
third and hopefully last surgery and of course it had me down for the count.But now Im back
and ready to take on any and all challenges presented to us from these fish. I'm hoping you all
out there are ready to take on the challenge with me because I know there's gona be some real
fingure burning action this Sturgion season and we hope to see you all in action on the TOP
GUN handling serious business with these brute of fishes! So stay tuned and lets see what the
fish god has in store for us! Thanks for your prayers to all of you. It was trully needed> Thanks
Again! Capt'n Steve
DATE: Thursday, October 28, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Hello world, last night we went out in search of the mighty sturgeon on the
Suisun Bay and I must admit that the fish are there. We fished up by bouy 4 on the ebb tide
from the start until the end simply to catch nothing but four shaker sturgeons! We were
definitely on the fish but after seeing boat loads of fish sliding through,we began to think that
these fish were on the move and wasn't biting through out this tide! We figured that these fish
were being sucked out from the upper Delta area as well the sloughs and weren't really on the
biting hype. So after searching around and not finding any other life we decided to call it a
night and come back out and serch elsewhere for these fish! We know that the fish are in other
areas so we plan on fishing further up in the Delta and in the Napa River to see whats going
on in those spots! Stay tuned though because the fireworks are soon to go off. And as I said
and will always say, we catch big fish so when your ready we are just a phone call away!
-Capt'n Steve
DATE: November 3,2010
FISHING REPORT: We went out today
fishing in the Napa river and boy are the
fish (sturgeon and striped bass)up there
thick! We blasted a fifty incher on the
beginning push of the incoming tide and
lost another while fighting the fifty incher
because he took us to the anchor rope
and being that no one was fighting the
fish, it was a wrap for that one! We
know that the fish are here and willing
to bite so now as we bring clients out,we
definitely know where to bring them to! The hot bait seems to be grass shrimp and eel! And
from the looks of it,we seem too really notice that the area up here is loaded with jumpers
everywhere and as we all know,where there are jumpers so are there biters! Well if your ready
at this point to join us on an excursion,give us a call and don't be afraid to ask for the better
tidal days to book your trip because your chances are much greater when your fishing a good
moving tide! Anyway, we are ready when you are so give us a call! Capt'n Steve

FISHING REPORT: Today we had
four guys from Cal Trans that
boarded the Top Gun for some line
peeling, lip ripping, acrobatic action
on a Sturgeon potluck trip! We
started out at 6:30 this morning
from the Vallejo Marina (Napa River),
headed up to the Sacramento River
to catch limits! We dropped the pick
after arriving and combing the water
for a few. Then finally, we settled in a
known spot to pick up our fish, but
soon had to move to look for coverage
from the wind. So by now, the day
has matured and finally the tide was
changing and we knew we stood a
chance as the flood started making
way up river and then thats when all
the fireworks began! We picked up
a 52 in. caught by Jason ,then a
62 in. caught by Fred and last was
the 53 incher caught by Jim. Grass
shrimp, eel & ghost shrimp happened
to be the hot baits for the day! I must
admit that our day was a blast and who could complain after ending the day one fish shy of
limits of sturgeon! This is what we do aboard the Top Gun and if you're interested in going on
one of these Sturgeon potlucks; Give Us A Call! -707-655-6736 Capt'n Steve

DATE: November 18, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers,
Well I got to tell you that the
Sturgeon fishing is on! Some of
the best fishing for this species is
going on now! Today we went up
top and fished the Bay/Delta in
search of our biggest residential
fish: the mighty white sturgeon.
And just keeping it real, there are
some huge fish up here! We
started out fishing the flood tide
and off top, we hit a few
shakers and then came the
show stopper; a seven foot
sturgeon; caught by Gary T....
I gotta tell you all, that this was
'The Quest For The One' for him,
being that he never caught a
fish this big and oh did it work
him! We watched him as he
battled this fish, and as the fight
progressed we watched his arms
start to give out on him because
the fish didn't want to give up. So
as the fight went on, finally, we
started to gain on the fish, and before we knew it we had the fish on the side of the boat after a
good 15 minutes! What a WHOPPER he was! Estimated weight was probably about 150 lbs.
(View Video Here) Shortly after that, we caught a couple more shakers and then we hooked
into another nice size fish in which this one was a 58 in. Green Sturgeon caught by Hong
a*k*a Killa! Hong's Green Sturgeon was the largest Green Sturgeon ever caught aboard the
Top Gun! We released everything we caught today because either the fish were too BIG as
well some were too small! But for the most part, the trip was superb! Well for those of you
whom wish to get out here with us, give us a call because we are awaiting the day to get you
out here and entertain you with the great action these fish have to offer! It really doesn't get
any better than this and it's on! Come on out and let's make it happen! 707-655-6736 Capt'n

Date: November 23,2010
FISHING REPORT :Greetings Anglers,
Today we took a group of three guys out
on another hunt for the mighty sturgeon!
Our plans were to get to the fishing grounds
ASAP and get the rods to soaking. We
fished the last hour of the Ebb tide and
didn't get anything so we moved around
until we found a few fish hugging the
bottom; deciding that we would slide
down in front of them about twenty five
yards and drop the pick and wait them
out! Well after about an hour or two (give
or take) we Hook'D Up to a nice fish but
after a short period of time we lost him
because he straightened the hook and
it pulled. Then, after being all fired up, we
sat for a minute and before you knew it...
"BOOM!!!!" We had a double hook up and
got the first biter in; in which he was
a shaker; we tossed him back. The
other was a hard fighting sixty five incher
who had the spirit of a rocket! I mean
ripping line off like it was going out of style!
But we knew the fight could only last for so
long; then it was our turn! LOL! Well as you
can see we won that battle! Soon after
getting that fish, we hooked into another
over-size that did what he wanted to do
and it wasn't anything we could do either.
He straightened the hook too and all we
could do was laugh and appreciate God's creations! After that, we decided to end the day and
take it in! Well as you can see, the excitement in catching these big power house fish is
happening now and if your ready and macho enough to not get whipped on by one of these Big
Whoppers and would like to try it out, come check us out. The fish are here and just to give
you an example; I took a picture of my fish finder to show you how stacked up these fish are;
hugging the bottom and feeding! So if you can see yourself after this Big Game fish, Give us a
call! 707-655-6736 Capt'n Steve

DATE: November 28, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Hello World, Well we
are back in full swing, hoping everyone has
enjoyed the Thanksgiving Holiday. We
went out today with a group of three
headed to the Suisun Bay for some
sturgeon fishing. We fished the flood and
the Ebb all day and barely had any action
until the evening flood came back around!
At that point, we started getting line rubs
and bites which lead up to us catching a
nice 54 incher.(View Video Here)(Scroll to
video #9) We missed quite a few fish due to
the guys being green when it came to this
type of fishing. But overall, it was a great
experience for them and you can bet on
their next outing that they will knock them
dead! The hot bait happened to be grass
shrimp and eel. We couldn't complain about
the one fish being caught because out of all the boats that were out there, no one seemed to
be dialed in on what the fish were doing since the holidays, but we managed to figure out these
fish and when to be there! Well thats fishing for ya! Anyway as you can see, we aboard the
Top Gun try and make it a point to get you what you came for. For those who feel as though
you want in on the action, don't hesitate to give us a call. We await the day! Capt'n Steve

DATE: Saturday, December 11, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers,
Well I must say that today was a day of intrigue. We went out back ( San Pablo Bay)on the
early morning Ebb tide hoping that we could get on these fish and take care of business,but I
supose the fish had something else in mind! We set up and got the rods to soaking and off top
within a matter of ten minutes we get a rod taken down. Hook'D Up! But the fish was a 40
incher (shaker) so he had to go back. Shortly after that we decided to move to some shallow
water where the temp was a few degrees warmer as well where we spotted a few jumpers.
After setting up we hook a keeper Seven Gill Shark and then we got suicided (Rod pulled down
hard) by a nice solid sturgeon and less than a minute he broke us off! ( Note: Always pull off
some line when you cast braided line like Power Pro or similar braid and it birds nest or you get
a bad kink in it because that kink is now your week spot in your line and thats how you get
broken off!) WE wondered about that fish but we accepted our fate. We then hooked into a
sizable bat ray and after numerous hours out there,we figured the fish didn't want to bite as
well it might be a few weeks to early to be back here! With the rain coming though,you can bet
this will be the premier area to be fishing for a trophy! We ended our day with new plans in the
making! Give us a call when your ready to get on these fish ,we look forward to the day! Capt'n
Steve 707-655-6736
DATE: December 15, 2010
Gals, Well we went out today with
intentions of getting on some biting
fish. We departed with a couple of
'old-school die-hards' who were
itching to set the hook! We scouted
here and there on the Suisun Bay
until we found what we came for.
We posted up on a couple of spots
before the flood turned just to see
what was sliding through and...
nothing! By now, it was time to find
the mother load and drop the pick
for the duration and of course we
found them! We sat not even an
hour and hooked into a 68 incher
that we took a picture of and
released as well a couple of 8 to 10
lb striped bass!(View videos here
Part 1 & 2 Scroll to #5-6)
Then after sitting for a while and
noticing the school had passed, we
pulled the anchor went and
relocated our school, and slid
down in front of them. By now, its
evening time and we definitely
knew the tide was slowing down
and we were going to have a shot
at more fish. After sitting maybe an
hour and a half we were Hook'D Up
again and this fish was a 72 incher who had NASA sponsoring him with the power he had. So
after tugging on him for a bit, we got him in the net... just hoping he was a keeper but he was
too big and had to go back! Although we didn't get a keeper-size sturgeon, we still hooked into
some nice size fish that were really healthy-looking and clean. After that, we decided we knew
where the fish were headed and we will get on them this weekend. As you can see, we
specialize in Sturgeon fishing and if we can fulfill your Quest For The One, don't hesitate to
give us a call we would love to get you your Trophy Fish of a lifetime! Captain Steve

DATE: December 27,2010
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers,
Well we went out this morning to scout the
waters of the San Pablo Bay. And by the looks
of it I gota tell you that the fish are definitely
here. When I first figured out where we wanted
to be,I immediately started to comb the waters
and scan the bottom and almost from the very
start we seen life which lead me to believe
that soon we would have Dinosaurs (Sturgeon)
in passing and it wouldn't be long before we
would be hollering Hook'D Up!!!!!... We set up
on the flood tide on a nice size clam bed and
what do you know, within the hour,we ended
up Hooking up with a hot 53incher that just
suicided the eel that we were using for bait!
He took off like a bat out of hell ripping line off
the accurate 870 reel like taking candy from a
baby! After battling him and finally getting him
to the boat we put him on the rope and went
hunting for fish number two. Finally the flood
topped off and started to turn and with in our two hour window of the beginning push of the
Ebb tide, Here comes fish number two which taped out to be a 51incher also caught on eel!
Although we kept a steady water temp of 48.5, the tides going out were a bit week. So instead
of hanging around we decided we already had limmits, so we may as well called it a day. And
thats what we did!!! So now that we have a fix on where these fish are and what their
prefrence of bait is, we are ready to bring you and your friends out for a extravaganza aboard
the Top Gun so that you can brag to the world about your fish of a lifetime. Remember when
you dream big fish,think Top Gun! Capt'n Steve

DATE: December 30,2010
FISHING REPORT: Hey Guys and Gals,
Well we started out today with a full charter for the staff and kids of the boys and girls club. We
left from the Vallejo Marina headed out to the San Pablo Bay hoping to get into the thick of
these fish that we knew where in the area. Well as it stood when we parted the docks,the
water was flat calm until we got to the end of the rock wall. Then thats when we noticed that
the water was a bit too rough for what we came to do. So we turned around and headed back
into the river to give it a shot! We combed the water from the mouth of the Napa River all the
way up past Green Island Rd. and Cuttings Wharf. We seen very few marks the whole while
searching for the fish. So we decided we would drop the pick at a known way point by the
towers being that we did see a few fish around in that area. We fished there for hours and had
a couple of good hits. But nothing promising, so we moved over about 20 feet and thats when
we hooked into an undersized sturgeon that we dehooked and released to grow up for another
day. After that episode, it was all she wrote for us on this day being that all we seemed to have
caught from that point on was run off (grass) from the previous rain and no matter where you
where in the river you were going to get it! So after having enough of that crap we decided to
go and fish the rock wall until the tide turned and we could get in from the minus tide. And still
we got nothing. So then we decided to call it a day. Well tomorrow is a new day and we have a
group of three going out in search of a possible personal trophy. Who knows what the fish god
is going to bless them with? Stay tuned and I'll report to you tomorrow with the results.
Hopefully, we will be able to get out back (San Pablo Bay )and make it happen! Well we will
see. Anyway folks, remember when you dream of big fish, think Top Gun!!!! Capt'n Steve
DATE: December 31, 2010
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers, First being
that the exact time is 2:28 A.M. January 1,2011.
Let me start off by saying Happy New years! And
yes I am tired after being on the water for the last
13 hrs! But for you all out there who are on a
need to know I am rushing you this
report simply to clear wondering minds! Well we
started out leaving from the Vallejo Harbor,
headed outback to the San Pablo Bay. We went
out a little past the shell banks where we had
been scouting on this past Monday to see if we
could do it all over again with the three clients we
had on board. So off the top, we drop the pick on
our designated spot and let the boat swing into
position! We set up for this outgoing Ebb and got
the rods to soaking! While fishing this tide, we hit
3 Starry flounders, and a couple of undersized
Sturgeon until the minus tide started to get to low,
in which at this time we pulled anchor and headed for one of my little honey holes. After setting
up, we dropped the rods in the water and almost immediately, we were getting bit! We picked
our first keeper of the day which was a 60.5 incher, taken on eel and grass shrimp. Shortly
after that, we had another big fish on, that just suicided the line and we ended up loosing him
due to him being busted off on the hook set. We ended up missing one more fish and decided
that we would call it a day. you can see we are definitely on the fish and would love to
put you on them. So if by chance you all still have a little money set aside from the holidays
and would like to catch your personal trophy fish, give us a call! We're only a phone call away!
Capt'n Steve

DATE: January 3, 2011
Well I'm back at you with reports for our outing
today with a couple of guys out on the San Pablo
Bay. Well we started out from Vallejo
( Norm's Bait shop) and headed out to the San
Pablo bay hoping that we would get into the thick
of the fish! Well as we dropped the pick we
started on the flood tide and the fish were not
active although they were there. So after an hour
or two we spent around for the ebb tide and the
fish still didn't want to bite. So about the middle
of the tide we decided to move and after all the
moves we made we couldn't get picked up and I
mean not even by a bullhead or a crab! Lol Well
as the day grew old, I had told my guys that the
last couple of outings that we had been out. The
bite happened to be an evening bite and the
likeliness of being Hook'D Up was going to more
than likely be in the evening. So we ended up
coming in with nothing. Well being unsatisfied
with the outing I called some of my scouting
buddies and we turned around and went back
out knowing that these fish were biting, but on the evening hype. So we went and combed the
water until we found a few good marks around mid bay and like I said," WE GOT FISH"! lol We
landed a nice hot 60 incher that was flying out of the water every chance he got! The hot bait
was eel and ghost combo's and I got to tell you that the bite has been rather soft and not well
pronounced. But they are definitely there and biting on the evening flood! Well For those of you
whom seem to be ready for the big one ,give us a call and we will do our best to hunt these fish
down for you and get you on them!
"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve

DATE: January 6, 2011
FISHING REPORT: Hello world, well we went out
today with a few clients on a sturgeon mission.
And I must admit we had a ball out there on the
Bay today! We started out fishing the flood tide
after we combed the water and found five or six
fish on the bottom, likely feeding. So after
spotting them we dropped the pick and within the
hour we got bit and the fight was on! We fought
the fish for a hot 15minutes before he decided to
give up and accept his fate! Once we got him in,
we put the tape to him and he measured
56inches! The hot bait was grass shrimp! We
then continued fishing the flood until it played out.
But we didn't catch anything else on that tide. So
as the tide turned, we caught stripers that we
released. Then, a couple of hot shaker sturgeons
and nothing else for the remainder of the tide!
For the most part, we couldn't complain being
that we did get fish! But we expect a better day
tomorrow as we take out this group of six! And hopefully our day will be better! Oh well, stay
tuned! And let's see what tomorrow may bring! Also, we are fishing both sturgeon derbies
(Flash Sportfishing Derby and The Superbowl Sturgeon Derby) and if you feel you would like
to take your group of guys and/or gals out with us to give it a shot at winning big money, give
us a call! (707)-655-6736 Capt'n Steve

DATE: January 7,2011
Well I'm back with reports of our day
in which I must say that we had a
long day. But a challenging one
describes it best ! We went out with
a group of six, Johny, Sam,
Lil (But Big) Johny, Steve, Robert
and Jason on a sturgeon adventure
hoping that we would catch the
mother load of fatties. Well we
fished the San Pablo Bay as
well the Carquinez straits searching
for the life that we new exist
beneath us on this out going tide.
We combed the waters back and
forth to find what we considered
prime grounds to set up in which we
dropped the pick in some fairly deep
to shallow water. We were getting
bit here and there through out the
day until around 5:30ish when the
fish decided they were ready to feed
. That's when we started to get bit
back to back. Although the bite was
on,a great number of fish was lost
due to them biting really soft and
becoming unbuttoned ! Reason
being was because in these winter
months, the fish mouths become
tender and they don't bite that hard.
Thats why so many Hook Ups were becoming unbuttoned! Well after hooking and loosing a
few fish,thats when the classic sturgeon pump came into play and Lil Johny must've put his
back into it and stuck a 70lber that gave him all the action he could dream of! lol Once the fish
was Hook'D Up, when I tell you that he tail walked and flew out the water at least five times.
Believe me when I say this, the fish was so hot and energetic that he made at least three or
four powerful runs that was very impressing . And when we figured we had this fish worn
out,he would peel line back out for a good thirty yards or so as though every time we got him to
the boat, he was seeing the angel of death and I don't think he wanted to go out with out a
fight! Well anyway after a forever battle back and forth,we got him in the boat and measured
him. The fish Taped out at 64 inches and 70 plus lbs.! The hot bait happened to be mud
shrimp and eel. The water temp was 49.4 which was a bit cold but warm enough for us to get
bit. After the tide was about to bottom out we decided to take it in and get the boat cleaned up
for tomorrows trip with a group of four. Hopefully all goes well and we could see some numbers
as we continue fishing on this winter hype. Well for those of you whom wish to catch yourself
one of these prehistoric fighting machines, give me a call and lets set your ideal day up! The
action as the days go by is going to get even better and better as the water warms and spring
comes knocking at our door! So think on it and give us a call when you're ready to be put on
the fish.
"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve

FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers,
Well let me start by saying the fish are on the move! We fished the San Pablo Bay looking for
sturgeon,and all we found today was fish on the move. We combed the water back and forth
and even set up on a few spots looking for fish stuck to the bottom,but all we seemed to see
was suspended fish sliding thru as well maybe a mark here and there on the bottom.Our water
temperature was up to 50.3 inwhich the temp was fine. We only had one hit all day and we
expected that being that the barometric pressure was high after the storm and normally when
its high after any storm,the fish dont bite! One thing is for sure as the days go by the pressure
will soon drop and the fish will bite! Everyone that I fish with as well other charters reported the
same info pertaining to today. As an avid angler I know this is natural for this to happen and
after not fishing for an entire week due to bad tides. We are dialing in to whats going on now
up on the top (Suisun Bay) and Im sure we will be back on them rippin Lips! Anyway Stay
posted and we will let you know where we catch our next pig at! They are definitly here and
leave it up to us to inform you when they are back on the bottom eatting everything up! Until
then Tight Lines! Capt'n Steve
DATE: January 19, 2011
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers , well
I'm back reporting some positive news
about our day! We started out fishing the
Ebb tide knowing that the tide was going
to really suck a lot of fish out of the
shallows! We posted up in about 10feet
of water and about midways through, the
fish turned on! We were fishing the
inside of the rip in which there were a
number of fish holding inside the rip! We
ended up with a score of one keeper, 3
shakers, and 1 straightened hook! We
had a host of other bites that weren't sticking! But for the most part, we had action while we
were just scouting keeping tabs on what the fish are doing! Our one keeper was a fat 48
incher! He was caught in 50 degree water and the hot bait was ghost and grass shrimp as well
as eel! So for the full moon fishing out back ( San PABLO BAY) We couldnt complain! We look
for the fishing to get better as the days go by! But anyway folks its gettin late and I'd better turn
it in for the nite! But feel free to get at us aboard the Top gun, your always welcome! Make
your reservations today! We are on!!! -Capt'n Steve (view scouting video scroll down to # 4)

DATE: January 22,2011
let me start off by saying that we
had a fantastic day on the water .
We started out from the Vallejo
Marina headed to the San Pablo
Bay. Upon reaching our
destination, we combed the area
and found fish holding and the
majority of them were on the
bottom feeding.
all know what that meant! Time to
begin our hunt! Okay, first we
refreshed everyone on what to
expect as well what the bite looks
like. Then we started soaking
rods one by one! Before we could
get the last rod out "BAM" we had
a 63 incher Hook'D Up weighing
in at about 80lbs and wow was he
hot! I mean this fish was just a bolt of lightening as he
peeled line from the reel! He fought back and forth and
around and out! Lol When I say he had tricks,think
nothing short of it! Finally we got him in the boat and
calmed everybody back down and here comes fish
number Two in which he was definitely a keeper but we
lost him do to him coming unbuttoned behind the boat.
We then picked up a couple shakers and the tide turned
coming in. The whole flood we hadn't had a bite! As The
tide turned back to the out going tide, the hunt truly
began! We Hook'D Up to a 61.5 incher and she was
more than enough fight for anyone, pound for pound! She
put it on my man, but he handled his for his first
personalized trophy fish! So now we are catching stripers
and flounders and after they passed a small pack of
shaker sturgeon which we hooked seven of them. Then
shortly came our last keeper of the day, 55inches and
that was the conclusion of our trip! The fish count was 14
sturgeon (10shaker and 4keepers) three striped bass and a couple of starry flounders! Not a
bad day I'ed say! These fish as the days go by are going to bite really good! Come on out and
give it a shot and see if your ready for this type of action! We anticipate your call!
(View Videos Scroll down to # 2 & 3) "Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!"
-Capt'n Steve

DATE: January 23,2011
FISHING REPORT: Hey Guys and Gals,
As I always say, when we don't have
the boat chartered for the day, we still
go out to scout the water to see what's
going on and the movement of these
dinosaurs! We came out for a few
hours and found some fish and within
the first hour we were Hook'd Up! We
fought the free spirit 55incher until he
had no more wind and then it was our
turn! We then picked up a couple of
shakers and decided we would take it
in for the day because the water
temperature was to cold 47.4! We try
to keep you posted on what these fish
are out there doing and their movement!
So for you anglers out there who believe in us ,let us know when you're ready to go get on
them. For those of you that are just curious, why don't you just give us a call and let's see what
the Lord first and the Top Gun will bless you with!!
"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve

DATE: January 28,2011
today we went out scouting the waters
looking for what we know to be one of
the greatest fighting residential fish we
have in the San Francisco Bay/Delta,
the mighty white sturgeon. Well we
came out this evening to fish the Ebb
tide (out going) to try and locate the
where abouts of these fish as well their
movement. We combed the water for a
few and found some beautiful marks on
the meter. So we dropped the pick and
set some rods out hoping that we find
that these fish want to feed and that we
could get some type of time slot far as
when these fish are ready to feed! Well
we fished a couple of spots within the
first half of the tide simply to find that
we were likely not to pick anything up
do to the crabs infesting the grounds that we were fishing. So by now we moved to another
area to shake the crabs and we ended up in a spot where we had one hit and might I add that
this was the only hit of the day in which we stuck the fish! The fish was a 45 inch Green
Sturgeon. We took a picture of the barbarik creature and sent him back to his under water
world with a message from the Top Gun! Lol Anyway,after that tide played out we decided that
we would take it in and get ready for the Diamond Back Classic Sturgeon Derby in which we
knew we stood a chance at winning! So stay tuned and we will hit you all with the results from
the derby on our next report. Also the water is warming as we soon to be approaching spring
and this action is going to be off the chain. So for you who believe you have what it takes to
land one of these prehistoric monsters,give us a call and let me put you on the fish of a lifetime.
Until we report again. Tight lines! Capt'n Steve

DATE: January 29, 2011
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers,
well we went out today to fish this
derby ( the Diamond Back Classic)
with intentions to get our name in the
box to become a winner! We started
out fishing the creek in the Suisun Bay
in which we found a number of fish
sliding through and on the bottom. We
fished the flood first and didn't get
anything but one striper for the kids on
deck which at least got our name in
the box for a possible prize! After that
tide was about played, we moved
around looking for more fish and
honestly we couldn't find anything
else worth stopping over. So we went
back to the creek and fished the Ebb
tide, hoping that we could crack the
pot wide open .Well we didn't crack it
wide open,but we did come up with
another striper and I got to tell you all
that we give major props to the kids,
being that they were the only ones
who caught fish and were able to
place in the derby! Wow ! What a
tough day! Anyway as the day came
to an end everyone headed back to
the docks to see who was going to be
our 2011 winner as well what kid was going to place. Well we had one kid place in which he
won a rod and real combo! We were grateful for the kids to be winners because we feel that
they are our future anglers and what better way to detour them from the streets and kaos that
this world we live in has to offer to our youth! So in my eyes all the kids whom fished the derby
were winners! Anyway we will be back out next weekend fishing the Super Bowl sturgeon
derby on Saturday! Wish us luck and stay tuned for the outcome. These pictures are pictures
of the winners who placed in the derby, kids and adults! And I must say that Flash Sport
Fishing has been putting this derby on for a few years now and it is one of the best derbies
I've ever fished in and we're going to give it a thumbs up! Anyway, give us a call when your
ready to get out here and catch your personal trophy. We would love to put you on the fish!
"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve

DATE: February 18, 2011
FISHING REPORT: Hello anglers, Today we went
out on the San Pablo bay fishing shallow water for
the mighty Sturgeon! We went out actually just
scouting for our week end trips and I've got to tell
you all that the fishing is back on! I've been down
sick for the last week or so but we are back out
here with a vengeance to get what we came for!
We caught two shakers to start, along with a
nice-size flounder! Then towards the middle of the
tide, we ended up missing a nice fish that tried to
take the rod out the boat! Now you all know that we
weren't going to let that happen! We got the rod
back; but no fish! Shortly after that, we hooked into
another fatty that weighed in at about 50 lbs! This
fish had a lot of spirit but wasn't the battle we
looked for but we got him! The hot bait was grass
shrimp and eel, caught in six feet of water! After
catching him, the water slowed up and we decided to end the trip so we could clean the boat
up and get ready for tomorrow! So much for this day I would say! Anyway, fishing is getting
better by the day! So when you're ready to board the Top Gun for some top notch fishing, give
us a call! -Capt'n Steve

DATE: February 19, 2011
FISHING REPORT: Hello guys and gals, I
guess you can say that we had a pretty good
day and the fish were in acceptance of our
bait! And who could complain about that!
Well we started out today headed out back
and to start our day right, first bite of the day
we bagged and gagged a 52 incher. Shortly
after that, we picked up a 64 incher right
before max flood! And let me tell you all, that
this fish fought so hard that he really earned
my respect after seeing this fish fly through
the air on several attempts to spit the hook
like super fish. (LOL) I mean this fish was
hooked really good but you couldn't tell him
that the way he was fighting! Finally after all
the flying through the air and playing ring
around the boat, this fish became another
victim of the gun, Top Gun that is! (LOL)
Finally the tide changed to the ebb and we
ended up hitting one last fish towards mid
tide and this fish was a baby 46 incher that
was released to grow up and bite another
day! He was all so lucky to make it back in
and that's what we consider to be good
sportsmanship! After that we decided to call it a day and took it in. The hot bait for the day was
ghost shrimp and the water temp was 51.3! Not bad for a party of six guys I'd say! Well when
you're ready to catch them like these guys and gals did, give us a call! -Capt'n Steve

DATE: February 21,2011
FISHING REPORT: Hello World, today
we went out and fished up top (Suisun
Bay) on a sturgeon adventure. We
departed from the Martinez marina
headed for the shallows! Upon reaching
the fishing grounds, we noticed there was
a few fish hanging out on the bottom, so
we decided to drop the pick and do what
we do best. As we sat on this Ebb tide
we had a few good hits in between the
grass building on our lines as they soaked! Some how or another the guys missed a couple of
good hits ,but soon after that we had to move and get out of all the grass build up! So we
relocated into the shallows north of the cutt for the flood tide. After sitting for about 45 minutes,
we hooked into a barely legal fish in which we released him to be caught at a later date in his
life, when he will have packed on some more weight! After getting that one fish, that was it for
us for the day! Better luck next time I suppose. Anyway, in the months of March and April,
sturgeon fishing is at its best! The fish become more active as the water warms and we are the
guys you want to be in with around this time. So give us a call when you're ready to book your
ideal day on the bay!
"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve

DATE: March 5,2011
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers, today we
departed from the Vallejo Harbor headed
above the bridge to find the all mighty white
sturgeon! We put together a game plan
today to say where we were going to start
this extravaganza with intentions on nailing
the big ones! We arrived at the fishing
grounds shortly after parting from the marina.
Upon reaching our destination, we combed
the water for a bit until we found what we
were looking for. Then we dropped the pick!
We noticed right away that the Ebb was at
the bottom and the current wasn't strong
enough to hold us in place. So we pulled the
anchor and set out to find more fish, but we
didn't see anything worth stopping over. So
we ended up going back where we first
found fish this morning and by this time the
wind had let up a bit and the tide was starting to turn! Soon as the tide turned and yanked us
straight, the hunt began! We baited up all the rods and got them to soaking and before we
knew it, we had fish #1 pumping us down. The guys were talking with their backs turned when I
noticed that the rod was being hit. I grabbed the rod and set the hook and passed the rod to
whom it was assigned and the fight began! I must say that Dale handled the fish like a champ
and after about 15 minutes we had him to the side of the boat. Got'em! Shortly afterwards, we
hooked into another fish which was a fat female, full of eggs and we had to give it up for this
fish, being that she was highly acrobatic and just a natural jumper. She must've jumped with
ease the way she would just simply come flying out of the water like she had rocket fuel in her.
So after about a good 15 minutes we had her on the side of the boat. Now while we were
preparing to bleed this fish out and get her over the rail, we hooked into fish #3 in which he
fought with great power but not enough to escape the 6/0 owner hooks as we put the clinch on
him! Now we were fishing for our last sturgeon so that we could have limits. We sat for about
20 minutes and hooked into a shaker sturgeon up to about 43 inches . We released him and
then hooked in to fish #4 and I gota tell you all that this fish pumped on the rod like he had
somewhere to be. We set the hook on him and after fighting for a good lil while we got him to
the boat and limmits became the name of our game! what a day? You can check out the high
lights of our day by going to the video gallery and looking at the second video labelled 3-5-11
part 1 and 3-5-11 part 2 ! The fish cault in order were a 59&1/4,60,53 and a 51incher. Give us
a call when your ready to book your trip!
"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve

DATE: March 13 & 14,2011
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers,
Well we are back with reports for our past
week end. We started our first day( being
that we had these guys for a two day
adventure) with going over all the safety
issues and letting the guys know where we
were going to target our fish! Well as it
may after riding all the way up ( Grizzly Bay
) to our fishing grounds. We found out that
we had a problem with the clients and
ended up running all the way back home in
Vallejo. Shortly after getting their issues
straight we ended up in our own back yard,
San Pablo Bay. We didn't do any good out
there the whole time we were out there.
We actually only metered a few fish here
and there. And yes the crabs are still there.
Anyway on day two we figured we'd give it
another shot at going up above and this
time it was worth the journey! Well once
we got up there we combed the water a bit
looking for solid marks on the meter. After
not seeing the mother load we decided to
push up in the shallows . We sat there for
a moment waiting for the tide to turn.
Realizing once this tide turned that we
wouldn't get enough current back there,I
decided to pull up out of there and find
myself some fish in moving water. After
seeing a few fish on the bottom I had to
drop the pick and I would say with in an
hour we were hooked up with a nice 57 incher. We had a few good opportunities to hook other
fish but they missed them! We had one little guy striper as well . So much for our day in which
it truly was some hard fishing today. But we seem to always make it happen along with the help
of our lord Jesus who actually is the captain of my boat!!! Anyway we will be back out soon
and if your ready for your first Trophy fish,give us a call. Until then take care and Tight Lines to
"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve

DATE: April 1, 2011
FISHING REPORT: Hello world,
Well thanks to the great weather we are
back out! The storms and colds has had
us dock bound and what a way to break
the weather. We went out today to simply
scout the waters for tomorrow's
adventures! Well from the start of the day
my nephew hooked into a sixty six incher
which led us to believe that our hunch
was on point. So we hung out there for a
minute and after not getting bit for a while,
we decided to run around for a little bit deciding that soon as the tide started back out we were
going to be ready to go! As the tide pulled us straight..."BAM!" We hooked a fifty five incher
and that concluded our scouting mission because we now know where to be! (LOL) Anyway,
now is the time to book your trip for sturgeon fishing! The fish are going pretty steady now and
if you ever wanted to say you caught one of these Dinosaurs, give us a call! I believe we can
help you out! (LOL) Give us a call! -Capt'n Steve

DATE: April 9,2011
Hello Anglers,
today we had a group of guys with us on a hunt for the mighty one. Being that the tides were a
bit small today,we decided to target the straights especially knowing that numerous fish were
showing up there returning from the heiring spawn down below. As we reached the fishing
grounds,we immediately started to mark fish of good sizes. We combed the waters until we
could find the right position to drop the pick. Almost immediately after anchoring we fanned the
rods out around the boat and our first hook up came. It was under size so of coarse we tossed
him back . So by now we noticed that the water was picking up on this Ebb tide that we needed
to move to shallower water being that we were starting to pick up large amounts of grass. After
moving we picked up another under size sturgeon in which he was a bit larger than the first,but
yet he had to go back . We then noticed that we weren't getting bit,so we started searching
further up the straights around the Ozzo pier and boy did we find the mother load! We fished
there for the rest of the day and ended up hitting one more under size. We thought that sense
we seen so many fish on the bottom that were going to get our limits. But for some reason we
couldn't get these fish to go. So we ended up calling it a day and headed home. We will be
back out next week,check us out then and see what happened! The fish are definitely there so
if your thinking of trying your luck,maybe you should come on out this month with us. Well until
we report again, take care and fish hard!
"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve
DATE: April 14,2011
Hello World,
today we went out with a couple of guys
from Boston looking to catch their first
sturgeon .We headed out back to the
San Pablo Bay hoping that we could
find some decent marks on the meter.
We set up on the flood tide on some
fish that were holding in about 22 ft.,
but the crabs ran us off . After pulling
anchor we decided to go in deeper to
the shallows where we found fish in
around 10ft holding pretty steady. So
we dropped the pick and within a hour
and a half we were Hook'D Up ! We
fought this fish for a little bit before we
landed him. After the battle we got him
in the boat and put the tape on him. He measured 53' 39lbs. Shortly after that we hooked into
our second fish that taped out at 58' 49lbs in which that fish was a fat female that fought for her
life relentlessly. After knocking down limits for the guys we decided to call it a day and headed
back to the docks. We will be back out come this Sunday. Check out the reports and see what
happens next for us, im sure fireworks being that these fish have been showing up in record
numbers. Anyway stay tuned and we will report again after our next trip!
"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve

DATE: April 17,2011
FISHING REPORTS: Hey Guys and Gals,
Well we are back with the news of the day!
We went out back on the San Pablo Bay this
morning looking for the white fatties. We set
up on a known hot spot on the flood tide
hoping that with in the beginning push we
would hook up. Well time was rolling on by
and we hadn't had a bite as well the wind
was starting to kick up. So we decided to
make a move up to the straights around
ninth street were we ended up spotting a
large number of fish. Of coarse being the
weekend and a lot of stacked up fish meant
that there would also be a battle for
positioning because every angler and his or
her family and friends were definitely there
and trying there luck as well. After getting
set up we noticed that the water was moving
a bit fast and that our window to catch them
would come once this flood tide slowed
down. Once the tide slowed up we were affected by the wind blowing 15 or 20 knots but we
managed to still hit our fish. We picked up a 52 incher first and then 15 minutes later we
hooked a fat 54 incher 50 plus pounds. Once the tide turned the bite shut off and we ended
our day. We couldn't complain especially knowing that we were only one fish shy of having
limits again. What a day!
Anyway starting next month we will be moving the boat back down to Richmond for Halibut ,
Striped Bass, Rock fish Ling cod, and our shark hunting adventures. If you have a desire to
fish for any of these fish,give us a call especially seeing how these trips are booking up on the
better tidal days. Hurry and book your trip because this year we want to make sure everyone
gets a chance to get out on the Top Gun to do some top notch fishing. Hurry up and book
"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve

DATE: April 23,2011
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers,
today happen to be an ok day for the Top
Gun I guess you could say. We started out
today headed toward the San Pablo Bay
looking for all big fish. Upon getting out
there, we found some nice size marks on
the meter, so we dropped the pick and set
every ones rod out fully baited and ready
to do battle. We fished the ebb tide from
the start of our hunt ,but we never got bit.
So after a while of no action, we move
spots . When we moved we found even
more nice size fish that we had to drop the
pick on. So after sitting for a bit,the tide
turned and the action began. We hooked
into a nice fish that suicided the bait,in
which he was a nice 55 incher. After getting
him in the boat, we hooked into another
nice size fish that ended up coming unbuttoned. We got bit three more times after that, but the
guys missed their fish. So we tryed for a little while longer but the weather ended up blowing us
off the water. So we ended the trip. We will be back out next week,so stay tuned for the up and
coming reports. Im sure as the days go by,this spring fishing is going to be off the hook. So if
you want in on the action, give us a call! We would love to put you on the fish. Also
remember,next month we will be starting our Halibut and shark fishing trips. Hurry and book
your trips early because the better tidal days are being snatched up as we speak. Don't miss
"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve

DATE: April 30,2011
FISHING REPORT: Hello world,
well let me start off by saying we were in it to win it. But today was a rough day despite the
wind blowing like crazy. What made it rough in my eyes was the fact that we were on the fish ,
but we couldn't get them to bite even after throwing everything at them. All we got today was
one under size sturgeon up to maybe 36' in which that to us was unacceptable. But as we all
know thats fishing for ya ! So we decided to call it quits once the flood tide came to an end
because the Ebb tide was only a two foot movement which isn't enough water moving for this
style fishing. But we will be back out Monday and you can believe between now and
Monday,we are going to figure out the hour that these fish want to bite on. So stay tuned and
check us out for our Monday night report.
"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve
DATE: May 2,2011
FISHING REPORT: Hello Guys and Gals,
well I'm back reporting to you a fantastic day of
fishing. We first started off headed out back
towards the pump house where we noticed a
few fish holding in the area. Upon seeing these
fish we had to drop in on them while the tide
was still at slack. As the water started to move
we put out almost all of our rods and before we
knew it, we were Hook'D Up ! As we were
fighting the fish we had another rod get pumped
down in which we stuck him too. Now that we
had a double going we had to really focus on
what the fish were doing to avoid line tangles as
both fish fought for their lives. We watched fish
number one fight extremely hard jumping out of
the water on several diffrent occasions as
though the water was boiling hot. It seemed as though this fish felt the need to jump to shake
the hook but it wasn't happening. We finally got the fish to the boat and once we got him in, all
hell broke loose. I mean that fish was still a little hot once we got him to the boat . But we had to
get him in being that we had another hot fish hooked up and still fighting running any and
everywhere. But the cold part about all of this exciting action was while fighting fish number
two, we had fish number one on the deck going straight up nuts wacking everyone with great
power. I mean this fish was absolutely not ready to be in the boat. But we had no choice being
that we had two good ones going. Anyway after getting both fish in the boat we knew that it
was gonna be cutting it real close to call both these fish keepers. So we put the tape to them
and the first one was a 71' and the second was a 68'! Being that the double was two oversize,
we took a quick picture of both fish and safely returned the unharmed fished to the waters
where they roam. After that we caught a few nice size striped bass up to 10lbs as well some
nice fat flounders. As the day progressed we hooked into a couple more under size sturgeon
and then a small Green Sturgeon, not to mention even some perch that all went back. The
good thing out of one of the shaker sturgeons that taped out at 42' was that he had a 100.00
tag on him which was cool. After letting time ride we hooked into another nice size sturgeon
that jumped as he had gotten hooked but the angler fighting the fish had the drag all the way
locked down for some odd reason and i don't think i got to tell you what happened at that point
! Ok, well i will say it, " POW " ,the line popped. Shortly after that we hooked another nice size
fish that seemed to not realize that she was hooked and as we brought her to the boat, thats
when all the fireworks began. She jumped and then took off doing 90mph in low and i mean to
the point that she dam -neer spooled us. We got down to the last six raps on the reel spool
before we could actually stop her . So after short pumping her we regained line and managed
to land this beast and yes she was a nice 66. After all that action for the day,we decided to call
it a day. But i can say days like this are much needed when sitting out there all day. Well give
us a call when your ready for the warm water action because the fish are here and we are
ready to put you on them!
"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve

DATE: May 6, 2011
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers,
today we went out and had another
fabulous day on the bay ! From the gate we
departed the harbor headed to the San
Pablo Bay in search of the almighty sturgeon.
Upon reaching the fishing grounds we
caught the last hour or so of the Ebb tide in
which we had a double hook up after setting
the rods out. The first rod that went down
had a shaker on it up to 43' and the second
rod had a nice fat 52' on it. After getting
them both to the boat we unhooked them
and sent them back to grow and see
another day. As the tide turned we had to
reposition and then the action began. We
picked up three more shakers that were up
to 44' and then another keeper sturgeon
that taped out at 47 1/4 ' that was released.
After that we hit some stripers up to about 5
or 6 lbs and a nice size flounder that was
above the norm for out there. So now we
were sitting and waiting for the humongaloid
to come through and our patience paid off,
because we then hooked into an over size
by a few inches that was seriously obese!
Now when I tell you that this fish fought hard,
thats exactly what I meant! This fish smoked the reel like it was nothing. When I say this fish
had heat, think nothing short of it. He fought good for about 25 minutes and then it was our
turn. We gained line back on the fish and he would peel it all right back off when ever he got
close to the boat. After doing that a few times we finally got the fish in and put the tape on him
and he was to big at 73'. So we took a quick pic and sent him back in. After all the action we
decided to call it a day and come back another day when the wind would be down and the
water much more calm. So when you're ready to get on these fish as well halibut or shark, give
us a call ! We would love to put you on the fish !

DATE: May 10, 2011
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers,
Today I have to say was a good day
although according to the 20 knot winds,
one may think it was a horrible day to be on
the water. But we thought different! We
started out heading to the San Pablo bay
looking for sturgeon and striped bass! As
we got to the grounds where we wanted to
post up, we noticed a number of fish on the
bottom holding pretty steady. So after
setting up, the wind wouldn't let us sit
straight but we managed to still soak a few
rods until the tide turned from Ebb to the
flood! As the tide turned we had a triple
hook up , where one of the three happened
to be a huge 66 incher! The other two were
undersized sturgeon, so of course we
tossed them back! But what a site it was to
see all the rods dancing for us. After that,
the wind picked up really heavy on us and
all we managed to pick up was a nice size
schoolie striper up to about 6 lbs! After that
fish we tried our best to stay on the bay but
mother nature thought different! So we
ended up leaving and hitting the Napa River
up and picked up one last shaker sturgeon
and decided to call it quits! These fish are
truly in here thick and I believe every time
we hit the water, we are going to get them! If
you want to catch a personal residential
trophy, give us a call because we are
definitely on the fish! We also are booking
reservations for halibut and shark fishing
trips. So if you feel that you would like to get
in on the better tidal days, give us a call! We look forward to a good year on these halibut! Are
you ready? The Top gun awaits your call! -Capt'n Steve

DATE : May 11,2011
FISHING REPORT : Hey Guys and Gals,
well we are back reporting the day, in which the day wasn't all that great today. We went out
with a group of guys today that normally adventure out with us and I must say we have had
better days. Today we got blew off the bay before we could get our catch. We only caught 1
under size sturgeon . After about an hour the wind kicked up to about 15 knots and we could
no longer sit straight. So we decided to take it into the Napa river and set up on some fish that
seem to want to eat. We seen fish every where and jumpers beyond imagination. So we
dropped the pick upon some descent marks in about 34 feet of water on the Ebb and nothing
bit. So after a while the tide turned and we moved to a known hot spot of ours. After posting up
and sitting for an hour the fish started to bite and we had five nice pump downs and we missed
every last one do to rookie error ! But just before we were about to leave, we hooked into a
monster fish foreal ! The hook set was so solid that we knew what ever was on the other side
of this line, it was gona be trouble. After pulling on the fish for a minute the fish took a nose
dive into the mud so we thumbed the line to irritate the fish to come up and he or she did. Once
the fish came up he took almost all the line off the reel so we pulled the anchor and went after
him. Upon gaining on the fish ,we got him up and almost to the boat and the hook pulled ! After
that we decided to call it quits. But that goes to show that you have to always be prepared for
the inevitible around these parts. Anyway we are still on the fish and taking reservations for
halibut striped bass trips on the better tidal days as well shark hunting adventures. we will
continue to sturgeon fish for as long as the action holds. But I recommend booking early
because the summer is here and everyone wants to fish. So hurry up and book today. We
await your call !
"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve
DATE: May 16 into the 17,2011
well today we started our trip off at 7:30 pm, being
that we had an overnight trip scheduled. We
debated on the fishing grounds we wanted to go to
simply because of mother nature and all this wind
she has been blowing on us. I actually wanted to
go up to the Montezuma Slough,but decided
against it and headed up to Cuttings Warf on the
Napa River. We dropped the pick on some very
nice fish while up there holding in 17ft of water on
the flood. But for some odd reason we couldn't
get the fish to bite. So as time went by early
morning after not getting hit. We decided to fish
the last couple of hours of the Ebb on the San
Pablo Bay and through it all
( Super Bad Weather ) , we managed to squeeze
a nice healthy 47in. out of the trip, caught by
Gary Edwards from Australia! After landing that fish we decided to end the trip after 12 and a
1/2 hours. congratulations Gary on your first sturgeon. We will be back out Saturday and
Sunday. Check us out then and see what comes up next! I'm sure something nice. Anyway
stay tuned for our next report.
"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve

DATE: May 21,2010
FISHING REPORT: Well today started off sort
of disappointing being that we had three
no- shows for today's trip in which that left us
with two guys a father and son team. The day
as it progressed was absolutely beautiful !
We started out today on the San Pablo Bay
on the bottom of the Ebb tide. Within the first
hour we hooked into a nice striper then our
first keeper sturgeon of the day . A 52 incher .
Shortly after, the tide changed and the
fireworks began . We ended up catching four
more sturgeons in which one of the hook ups
happen to be a double! Out of the double we
caught a 58 in. And the other was a 45 in
shaker! We caught two more barely keeper
sturgeon and four more bass in which the
two out of the four were from 6 to 8lbs! I mean
the day turned out beautiful despite the way it started!
well we will be back out tomorrow , so check us out and let's see what the good lord will let us
land tomorrow ! Capt'n Steve

DATE: May 22,2011
FISHING REPORT: Hey Guys and Gals
Well we went out today determined to
catch what we were looking for. And I
must say that the wind was pretty
strong today. But we still held our own
out there. We went out with a group of
four upon the San Pablo Bay. And
almost immediately after getting out
there, we started to mark so many fish
that we had to drop in on them. We
couldn't get bit for a good while, so we
had to keep switching spots from time
to time to shake the wind. Although we
couldn't shake the wind, we knew if we
just hung in there for a little while, the
fish were going to go if we remained
patient. Just as I predicted, we made
our last move to our honey hole and
around the same time as yesterday,
we ended up with another double hook
up. The first fish landed was a 52
incher and the second was a 66 1/2
incher. Well although we wished that
the fish was a half inch smaller, we
were appreciative just to hook and land
the fish. I believe it was best to let that
fish go anyway because she was huge
and likely a breeder. So she went back
safe and unharmed ready to fight
another day. Now when I tell you that this fish fought like no other; believe nothing short of
what I'm telling you. This fish must've grew wings after being hooked, because she came flying
out of the water numerous of times with ease until the bitter end. I want to commend Lil Kevin
who is 14 years old, for nicely landing his first sturgeon in which this fish was definitely a trophy
fish of a life time. After landing the two and releasing the one, we got blew off the water as the
winds kicked in and we had five foot swells making the water unfishable. Well, that was our
day and we will be back out this coming up weekend fishing for halibut. So stay tuned and see
what we will report next! Hopefully limits at God's speed! Also we are starting our
halibut/striped bass potlucks as well our shark hunting adventures. And we also are going to
still fish for sturgeon for as long as they're still around. So give us a call when you're ready for
an adventure aboard the Top Gun ! We would love to have you on deck.

DATE: May 28,2011
FISHING REPORT: Hey Guys and Gals,
Today was our first day out starting our Halibut
fishing trips. We headed out today from out of our
harbor in Richmond going down south to the south
bay. For some reason or another today just happen
to be one of the wierdest days weather wise for us.
We didn't get a single scratch out of the halibut
today,but we did catch some stripers . We tried a
few diffrent spots but we couldn't get bit for nothing.
We had the sun shining , then rain. Then the sun
would come back out then a cold front pushed
through. Then rain again and to finalize it came the
fog ! What a day! Anyway we are here and ready to
rake in the halibut. Book your trips today knowing
that summer is here. These summer month days
book up pretty fast so hurry up and book your trip. Remember being that the sturgeon are still
going pretty good to give us a call if you have a interest in catching a trophy fish. They await
your presence! lol
"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve

DATE : MAY 29,2011
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers,
we went out today after the mighty white sturgeon. I must say that the fish was there and so
was the weather. We fished the San Pablo Bay to start the day off in which shortly after
dropping the pick ,we hooked up! The fish fought long and hard, running back and forth
around the boat for a while. Then the fish came out the water partially and made an
appearance, that let us know measuring from the distance that the fish was away. The fish
was likely an oversize. We finally got the fish close to the boat for the fourth time to where we
could even see the sinker, but we couldn't get a visual on the fish because he kept fighting and
pulling down under the boat. What happened next was the unthinkable. The client whom was
fighting the fish buckled down on the drag and you can imagine what happened at that point!
We lost the fish. We couldn't keep the fish anyway,but it would of been nice to see the fish .
After loosing that fish we caught shakers but no more keepers for the day. Well lets see whats
next for the summer months to come. Hopefully some exciting action . Give us a call when your
ready to get out there . We await your call !
"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun! Capt'n Steve
DATE: June 12,2011
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers,
sorry for not reporting right away. I
had some personal issues to tend
too. But I'm back! Well we had a
night trip last night for the all mighty
sturgeon and I want to tell you that
the sturgeon fishing has been
super great. We took a small group
of three guys out on the Napa River
,and I got to tell you that we had
action the entire incoming and
outgoing tide.! We caught four
sturgeon for the night in which only
two of the fish were keepers and the others were tossed back safely. We could of had a
number of fish ,but being that we had some first timers, we lost a good number of fish that we
should of had. But over all we still had a blast and the fish are on guys if you want to catch a
personal trophy. Out of the two keepers we caught a 48.5" and a 56" ! We were only one fish
shy of limits . But i"m sure these guys got there money worth and went home happy. Well when
your ready give us a call and we would love to put you on the fish !
"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve

DATE: June 19,2011
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers,
today was an exciting day out on the
bay with a hilarious group of kool
guys and gals. I must say these guys
never left us with a dull moment. We
went out on the San Pablo bay on
another sturgeon potluck and the
day turned out exceptionally well.
From the beginning of the trip we
had to ride and find fish , in which
we found small pods of fish but they
wouldn't bite . So as the day went on
by noon, the tide had turned and we
pulled the pik for new positioning and
to find more fish holding somewhere.
Well we found them! We had action
through out the whole tide. We
caught three sturgeon ( one keeper
/ two shakers ) and stripers as well
nice size flounders. The sturgeon
taped out to be sixty four inches
70lbs . I think he was a bit much for
the young lady who landed this
energetic creature, but for the most
part ,she handled him like a
seasoned vet!
Well we look forward to another day
of good fishing coming up this Tuesday. Stay tuned and lets see what the Top Gun will
produce on this next one.
If you guys are looking to get on the water soon give me a call @707-655-6736 and I
personally would be happy to help you plan your Ideal day on the Bay. Until next time
"Remember when you dream of big fish,think Top Gun " ! Capt'n Steve

DATE: June 23,2011
FISHING REPORT: Hey guys and gals,
we went out today on a potluck trip with
a group from Las Vegas looking to catch
a little bit of this and a lil bit of that . Lol
Well we did just that! We went down to
Alameda and soaked a few rods to
come up with a nice score for the
conditions we were in. We boated three
really nice size stripers ranging from 10
to 21lbs and 4 halibut 10 to 15lbs . Over
all we had an exceptional day and look
forward to the days to come . Our plan
for the day was to come out and execute
our game plan as well make sure our
clients enjoyed themselves while aboard the Top Gun ! Mission acomplished! Game over! For
those of you who want to come out and join us on an excursion of your choice,give me a call !
Capt'n Steve
"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve

DATE: June 25,2011
today was a day of hard fishing . The known fact that the tide was super bunk also didn't help
out any. We went to the south bay looking to get into the thick of it, but couldn't get bit for
anything in the world! We caught a few shakers and a couple of keeper leopard sharks and a
small amount of seven gill that was super under sized. Being that the tides were small
and slow, it really brought the bite to a screeching halt ! Now that we no that the fish aren't as
active as we may have thought. We plan on changing our tactics to get these critters and you
can best believe that we will get them. Well so much for our first trip out shark hunting! Anyway
stay tuned for the next report,hopefully we will see the difference when we take
another shot at it!"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!"
-Capt'n Steve

DATE: June 30,2011
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers,
today we gave it another shot at shark
hunting and once again I must say it
wasn't to much better than the trip
before. Over all we had four keeper
leopard sharks and no seven gill at
all or soup fin. As a seasoned angler
what I imagine, is that being that we
had a lot of fresh water coming down
from the Sierras from the snow
melting. Our bay is being filled with a
large volume of fresh water which in
terms pushes our salt water fish out to
sea do to the low salt concentration.
Not only that, but we were still fishing
on some pretty bunk tides and even
though it shouldn't of made a big
difference, it did due to the way our
system is as of now. We fished long
and hard,and even seen the fish in
some areas. But the fish were very
non-active. We are going to keep at
them though and hopefully things will
change up here once our water
system starts to balance back out. Stay with us though and we will keep you informed about
whats going on out there. We have a potluck trip for tomorrow. Wish us luck and lets see how
well the Top Gun will do then.
"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve
DATE: July 1,2011
FISHING REPORT: Hello Guys and Gals,
well let me start off by saying I think this
trip happened to be a bit better than the
last two! We had a potluck trip today in
which the day turned out ok with lots of
action if nothing else. We caught striped
bass ,halibut, and multiple shark. The day
was full of action ,but nothing like the
years before around this time. I'm thinking
once again about how all this fresh water
we are getting has disturbed our natural
habitat for our fish that would normally be
here in thick numbers. But over all we got
what we came for on this potluck trip and
everyone caught fish. So no need in us
complaining. I just take our fishing really serious and I look for the mother load at all times. I'm
sure you die hards out there understand. Well until I report again. Stay tuned. Give us a call if
you want to get in on the action to come. We are about to start fishing on the other side of the
Golden Gate for Halibut and other species. Let us know when your ready. Until then, Tight
Lines ."Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve

DATE: July 7,2011
FISHING REPORT: Hey guys and gals,
sorry for the late report. I've been a bit
caught up in between trips. Today we
went out on another potluck trip,
looking for a descent score for the day.
We went out looking to catch mainly
stripers other than halibut,but of
coarse looking for the mother load. But
anyway we ended up with a couple of
halibut up to ten lbs and a 8lb striper.
Fishing today was a little hard being
that the fish wasn't turned on to bite.
But you can bet that we will continue to
search for these fish and will find them
as usual. Despite the season seeming
to be behind a month. They're still fish around to be caught. You just have to put in your time
looking for them or else it may be an issue. Word to the WISE ! Anyway if you would like to get
out here for the action, give us a call and lets make it happen. Stay tuned for our report for
tomorrow. We plan on fishing the coast line for some fantastic rock fishing. I'm sure it will be a
blast."Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve

DATE: July 8,2011
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers,
We hit the coast line today searching
for some nice Ling cod and Rock cod. I
must say we had an exceptional day
with limits of ling cod and rock fish. We
worked one small area that seemed to
be holding pretty good with china's,
blacks,sea trout and ling cod and I'm
sure there were a host of others that
were down there, but we didn't fish
shrimp fly's at all. We fished live bait
nd these were the only fish we were
attracting. Either way we weren't
complaining, coming back home with
limits. After rock fishing we fished
potluck back inside the Golden Gate,
but only picked up a nice striper up to
9lbs. . So over all we had a very good
day filling up the cooler and will be
back out Sunday on another potluck.
Stay tuned and lets see whats to come
next. If your ready for some summer
action,give me a call @ 707 655 6736
and we will put you on the fish! Stay Tuned!!!!!
"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve

DATE: July 10,2011
today we decided against potluck
fishing and instead we chose to go
up under the Golden Gate for some
coastal fishing . Over all we did
pretty good once we got the fish to
bite. The tides were a bit weak and
the fish didn't want to go our way
until maybe one o'clock! Once the
water started to really move,thats
what triggered the fish to bite pretty
good. We got everything from Ling
cod to blacks . Our hot bait was live
anchovies. We pecked on them for
quit some time and even had been
looking for them in the evening. We
ended the trip coming back into the
bay with a cooler full , and hopefully
we could pick up some halibut to
end the trip. We got a nice size
striped bass in the end, But that's
fishing for you. Anyway give us a
call at 707-655-6736 and lets plan
your ideal day. "Remember...Dream
Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve

DATE: JULY 23,2011
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers,
today was an action packed day. We went out on
a halibut potluck trip and I must say, that its about
time that these fish gave us some real action
before the summer ends! We fished inside the
bay due to the wind blowing 15 to 25 mph .Over
all it was worth it though because the bite
happened to be on pretty good. We hit 5 halibut in
our first hour of fishing and then slowly picked the
rest off as the day went on. We also had a striped
bass that went for about 8lbs and as the
day ended. We had a total of 9 halibut and 1
striper. Not bad for a ugly day on the bay! I tell all
anglers that the Top Gun is Blessed by Jesus
and for that alone she's a fishing machine!!!Anyway if your interested in fishing with us Give
Capt'n Steve a call and make your reservations for premier tidal dates. This type of fishing is
for those whom have a sickness and can't get right Unless ....They Go Fishing!!! Lol Give us a
call ! 707-655-6736
"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve

DATE: AUGUST 17,2011
well we went out shark
hunting today and i can't
say that the fishing was
wide open but I will say
they were there. We went
out with the hot bait
Midshipment and Hit a
few Leapord sharks up to
5 1/2 feet and a host of
rays that wouldn't leave
our bait alone. Over all it
was a dragged out day in
which the fish could've bit
better but thats fishing for
ya! Even the Sharks stop
biting at some point and
time. But as long as they
will bite, you can bet we
will be there. But things
will be shaping up here in
the near future because
the water is returning back
to normal now that the
gates on the rivers that
feed into our bays are
closed. That will bring the salt content back up to stats. Anyway if your thinking about hitting
the water for some fun fishing,give us a call and we will make it happen for you ,if not we
definitely will try our best! Hope to hear from you all! Capt'N Steve"Remember...Dream Big Fish
and Think Top Gun!"

DATE: August 23,2011
lets just start by saying the bite
was on and the action was nice.
We went out today halibut fishing
and the fish bit fairly well . We
ended up today with limits for four
ranging from 7 to 15lbs . We had
moments when the fish just would
suicide the line and pin the rods
down in the rod holder. As well a
few fish that came unbuttoned
and lost at the boat! But over all
we had a fantastic day. The hot
bait was large anchovies and
soon to be sardines if they ever
push in!!! Over all we had clients from Colorado out enjoying our San Francisco Bay And I'm
Happy to say that they were professionals by the end of the day. With that being said ,for
those of you who want to get in on the action give us a call 707 655 6736 ! The Bite is
on!"Remember...Dream Big Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve

DATE: August 25,2011
today we went out on a
halibut potluck. Our day
started off pretty good an I
must admit that these guys
were on these fish after
missing a few. We hit fish
the entire day and no matter
where we dropped our lines,
we managed to scratch up a
fish here and there. We
fished the central bay for a
score of 4 halibuts from 10
to 18lbs and 6 striped bass
from 8 to 15lbs and from
outside one keeper ling cod
up to 22in. Over all we had
a fantastic day and look
forward to the rest of our
days to pick up as today was
exceptional. Anyway if you
would like to get on these
fish with us give us a call
and lets make it happen.
The days out here are
getting better now that the
salt concentration is up to
par . So stay tuned and we
will report back to you again
tomorrow !
"Remember...Dream Big Fish
and Think Top Gun!"
-Capt'n Steve

and gals,
today was an interesting day with
four clients out on the Top Gun.
We fished inside the bay today
on a halibut potluck and boy did
the day go well for what it was.
We had two new clients on
board that seem to be catching
everything. I don't know if there
companions that normally fish
with us rubbed off on them or they
were just fish slayers! What ever
may be the case, we started
our day hitting a nice halibut up to
18lbs and a salmon that had come unbuttoned as we got him next to the boat . And then as the
day went on we slowly picked off striper after striper as well a couple more Halibut which we
lost one at the boat while trying to net him. Over all we had an ok day with descent fish and we
encourage you all that want to go out with us to give us a call and let us know when your ready
@ 707-655-6736 ! We can and will put you on the fish, so give us a call!!!!!!!!! Tight Lines

DATE;August 26,2011
FISHING REPORT: Hello Anglers,
We went out today chasing salmon in
which we ended up hooking two and
loosing four. I guess you could say that it
was the luck of the draw and if you were
there at the right time. The salmon were
25 up to 31in. and i guess thats around
average at the moment. I mean don't get
me wrong, Im sure theres some slugs
coming through but just from the
projection that we seen and fished they
were all average. After roaming the coast
for salmon we decided to end the trip with
a couple of hours of halibut fishing and ended up with four halibuts up to fifteen lbs. and who
could complain. Besides we were out just for fun coming back together with old friends! What
better way to socialize other than being on the water with friends! Anyway if your ready to have
a good time looking for the mighty one ,give us a call and we would love to put you on fish. Call
now while your mind is on it if you really want to go! 707-655-6736 "Remember...Dream Big
Fish and Think Top Gun!" -Capt'n Steve

DATE;JUNE 23,2012
FISHING REPORTS: Hello world, well the time has
come for us to start our spring and summer fishing
extravaganza. We hope that you will join us as we
fish for halibut,striped bass,shark as well salmon &
rock fish/lingcod. At the moment our boat is still in
the shop for servicing as we had her down for the
winter. We should be back out on the water in full
stride within the next couple of weeks! It's been a
long winter and we cant wait to get back in the
game. We are now taking reservations for next
month for all whom thinks their ready to have an experience of a lifetime aboard the infamous
"Top Gun" ! The word on the water is fishing is looking pretty promising this year with a good
start on the salmon so far. So lets see what the fish god has in store for us this year. Well
anyway guys and gals, book your trips today if you want the better tidal days for your trip!
Hope to hear from you soon! Captain Steve

DATE: July 29,2012
Hello World,
today happen to be a good day on the bay.
We went out on a shark scouting trip in
search of leopard,seven gill and soup fin
sharks. We started out on an in coming
tide in which it was moving a bit fast to
really get the action we were looking for.
So we waited for the tide to change and
at that point, all the fireworks began . We
hooked up with at the least ,thirty leopard
sharks one after another and we lost quit
a few. Over all we may have landed a hot
twenty and released them all to see another day. For the sport of it,shark fishing offers all the
action an angler could want ! It also offers one, the education to learn how to fight big fish as
well how to actually land them. With that being said, our scouting happen to be a success for
leopards only,but we're sure there's seven gill to be caught along the way as well soup fin.
Maybe next time we will get them all! If you would like a fun and exciting fishing trip for fun as
well good eating. You should try shark fishing with us, its a serious adrenaline rush . For
booking a trip with us , call Capt'n Steve @ 707-655-6736 and I'm sure we can put you on the
fish and get you what your looking for. Until we hear from you, Tight Lines
Capt'n Steve

DATES: July 31,2012
FISHING REPORTS; Hey Guys and Gals,
today we went out searching for some good
eating rock fish and ling cod. We departed the
docks around 7 a.m and headed to San
Francisco live bait docks to get bait.
Afterwards we headed under the golden gate
bridge towards the Marin coast line looking to
catch our limits in record time and then
working on the ling cod. Well when we found
the fish ,we instantly started to pick these
critters off,one after another. Before long we
had limits of rock fish with a mixture of ling cod
in between by noon! Afterwards we decided
we would go back in the bay for some halibut
action ,We didn't get any, but we did get bit by
I believe a monster size Salmon . We lost him
do to the drag being to tight and of course the
line popped! Over all we had a good day with
limits of rock fish for five and four ling cod. I
suppose we couldn't ask for any better than
that. We are booking trips now for September
already as August happens to be pretty
booked up for us although we still have a few
days still available as well spots on smaller
groups of charters. So if your interested in a
fantastic fishing trip for Rockfish/ Ling cod,
Salmon, Halibut,Striped Bass or Shark! Give
us a call at 707-655-6736 Come get Hook'D
Up with us and let us put you on the fish. Tight
lines to you all. Capt'n Steve

DATE: August 3,2012
today we went out side along the Marin
coastline hoping to have a repeat
extravaganza with these rock fish and Ling
cod as we did with our last trip. Well we
started out a little slow , but as the day
progressed, the bite turned on and the fish
never shut down. We had a party of 5
repeat clients whom simply put a whoopin
on these fish. I would say, within a matter of
hours we had limits with one Ling cod that
we had to toss back. Over all ,I would say,
that fishing potlucks have been productive
and with in the week, the tides will be
slowing up so we can start running combo trips of rock fish and halibut. If this sounds like
something you and the family and friends would like to get in on. Give us a call @
707-655-6736 We are booking trips for September at the moment as well so hurry and get in
while its good on the ocean. We no the dates will book up fast so for the better tidal dates call
us and book your trip. Capt'n Steve

DATE: August 4,2012
FISHING REPORT; Hello Guys and Gals,
well I'm back and what a great day we had
today. We had another potluck trip with
limits of rock fish with really descent size
to them for six clients along with 8 nice
Ling cod. The day went as planned and
boy are the fish on the rocks!
Get it,( On The Rocks) lol ! I mean ,its
really been beautiful out on the pacific
putting in a little time for limits! I must tell
you also that ,these ling cods are going
pretty dang hard at the moment. The fight
is so LIVE when using light tackle, it feels
like your hooked onto a Volks Wagon Bug
when they pull drag down to the rocks.
Besides the nice Salmon thats going at
the moment, I would say this is one of the
best things going out there on the ocean
if your looking for some good eating fish.
If this sounds like something you may
want to do ,give us a call @ (707)655-6736 and lets get you booked!
Capt'n Steve

DATES;August 5,2012
I'm back with another super fantastic report!
Today we departed with a party of five on a
rock fish ling cod trip in which we fished the
upper area of the Marin coast line. The
areas we found today happen to producea
some nice size black and blue rock cod
along with some cabezon and kelp cod!
Average fish in this new area we fished was
2 to 4 lbs ! We fished and ended up with
Limits for 5 as well 7 lingcods up to about
14lbs ! We couldn't have asked for a better
day for fishing. The salmon are still going
good and we're still booking trips for salmon
,halibut,ling cod,shark and rock fish. Have it
your way and choose a combo trip. Either
way we will put you on the fish and make
your day, a day of remembrance. Call now
and lets book your trip. We go hard for the
hardcore angler who just cant get enough of
this sport we love so much! Give us a call !
(707) 655-6736 Capt'n Steve

DATE; August 11,2012
FISHING REPORT;Hello Guys and Gals,
today we went out shark hunting , hoping
to pick up something with some for real
size to it. We headed to the south bay
and set up on a nice group of fish hoping
to have all the lines to start screaming.
Under the conditions we had, we figured
these fish should take off non-stop,but
we were wrong! The bite was super slow
and out of the whole day, we only hooked a couple of leopard sharks and a million bat rays.
Although we didn't get what we were looking for, the guys seemed to have made the best out
of the trip fighting bat rays. We ended up with a score of two leopards for the day and just
chalked it up to the game of fishing. We will be back out tomorrow on a potluck trip,so tune in
tomorrow for our latest report. Wish us luck along with our skill and lets see what the fish god
has in store for us! Remember when you dream about big fish,think TOP GUN Capt'n Steve

DATE; AUGUST 12,2012
well today happen to be a much
better day than yesterday. Today
we set out to catch halibut,rock fish
and ling cod. We had a group of six
guys with a few that fish regularly
with us ready to put in some serious
work for their limits. We stared out
heading to the San Francisco coast
line in search of halibut. The
conditions seem to be fair where we
started our search and on our first
drift we picked up one halibut .
There after we continued to set drift
after drift,but wasn't getting bit. So
we moved over towards Seal rock
and picked up another but by that
time we had lost our drift due to the
tide changing. So the guys seem to
be a bit more anxious to get into the
rock fish and ling cod , so we made
our way up the Marin coast to one
of the spots we found holding pretty
good with a variety of fish . Soon as
we got there and started soaking
our lines, one after another they
yelled fish on and we ended up
finishing the day out with limits of
rock fish for six with eight nice size
ling cod up to 14lbs and a couple of
buts to seal the deal. Over all these
guys fished hard and had fun in
which thats all that mattered to us
aboard the Top Gun . Stay tuned
and check out the report for
tomorrow. We have some guys from
Nevada and Kentucky coming out
with us on a two day trip for shark
,halibut ,rock fish and ling cod.
Hopefully we will catch them all! Stayed tuned and lets see. If this type of fishing seems to look as though it's something
you would like to do, give us a call @ 707-655-6736 and lets get you in the books ready to go! Until then, Tight Lines to
you all!!!!!! Capt'n steve

DATE;August !4,2012
FISHING REPORT; Hello world ,
today started the first day of our two
day trip with our out of state friends.
We headed out from the harbor today
going south and looking to make
todays trip a lot better than our last
shark hunting trip. We Scouted the
water and found some nice size fish
on the meter which in terms said to us,
"DROP THE PICK" ! lol So we did and
within the first fifteen minutes we had
fish on fighting hard,peeling line and
seemed to have the hart of a gladiator.
But we came prepared and wore him
down and in the boat he went! After
words that became pretty routine daue
to the fact we were on them and to
make a long story short that was
obvious and evident we ended the trip
with two and a half fish per rod and
some guys that were ready for the
challenge now that they've learned the
art of shark hunting. If you want to fish with us, feel free to give us a call @ 707-655-6736 and
we would love to put you on the fish. Stay tuned for part two of these guys trip for some
Halibut,rock fish and Ling cod Capt'n Steve

DATES; August 15,2012
FISHING REPORTS; Hello Guys and Gals
Ok we're back with day two of our out of
state friends two day trip! Today we Hit the
North bar up for some halibut up to 19lbs
and then headed over for some rock fish.
We got into the rock fish today sort of late
due to the fact that, we searched for the
halibut for so long on the flood tide. So
when that tide ended we fished the rocks
and reef on the ebb tide in which it wasn't
as productive. But we managed to scrape
up some descent fish for the guys along
with some ling cod up to 12lbs. Over all we
had a fair day and every one called it quits
happy with their catch. If this sounds like
this is somehing you want in on, give us a
call @707-655-6736 and we would love to
put you on the fish! Remember when you
dream Big fish,think TOP GUN !!!
Capt'n Steve

DATE; August 19,2012
today we had a rather way out day in terms of events. We went out for rock fish and ling cod
along the Marin Coast Line, in a bit of nasty whether. We started the morning by setting up on
one of our spots that we seem to like because of the varieties of species available to us. And
as the day started we picked off rock fish after rock fish from blacks to blues to sea trout as
well kelp cod. The day was going fine until the whether started to really get nasty out there.
After realising that it was best for us to depart from the pacific and back into the bay ! We were
only a few fish shy of limits for six guys anyway. So we decided we would go for some striped
bass around the sisters and red rock. We seen them, but we couldn't get them to bite. So to
make the best of it we set up a long drift from the sisters to the back of red rock and picked up
a nice leopard shark and some smaller sand sharks that went back in. Over all, we caught
plenty of fish for the guys ,but would of rather fished the ocean a bit longer for our ling cod. We
are grateful for our catch never the less! The Salmon bite has been up and down, but the rock
fish has been going strong along with the complements of nice ling cod up to 18lbs. . If your
ready to fish with us, give us a call@ 707-655-6736 and lets do it! Next month we will be taking
reservations for Sturgeon fishing for the month of October ! We do realise that we have a lot of
groups that like sturgeon fishing with us, thats why we are taking early reservations on first
come ,first serve bases! Thats only fair to everyone ,so give me a call if your ready for your
trophy fish this season. Believe me folks ,sturgeon fishing with us is live and direct, for this is
our specialty. Hope we can be the first to get you your first trophy sturgeon as well keeper.
Don't wait,give us a call 707-655-6736 Capt'n Steve

DATE; September 1,2012
today was a pretty good day aboard the
TOP GUN ! We started our trip today with
six anglers looking to run a potluck trip out
on the pacific. We started out rather late but
it wasn't a problem for us because we knew
what was going on out there ,so off we went!
We went out along the Marin coast line
picking off the rock fish ( mostly blacks with
trickles of cabezon,kelp and sea trout ) and
ling cod. We fished mainly the whole flood
tide along the coast for limits of 60 rock fish
and four or five ling cod up to 12lbs for six
guys. Not Bad ! There after we came back
inside the bay for a little bit of halibut and
striped bass! We ended up with one halibut
and nothing else. Over all our day went great
and everyone went home satisfied and
convinced that fishing with us was worth
every penny. Lol We fish hard and long for
our clients, and hope that if you want to get
out on the big water, we would be the
charter of your choice . We have days still
available for this month if anyone happens
to want to put a trip together! Book your trips
now for next months fireworks ( STURGEON
being that our days fill up fast for this
particular style of fishing. ( check out our
videos ) Fishing has been pretty good with
us. So give us a call @(707) 655-6736 if
your ready to knock'em down. Remember ,
when you dream about Big Fish, Think TOP
GUN !!!!!
Capt'n Steve

DATE; September 9,2012
FISHING REPORT;Hello Guys and Gals,
well today was an interesting day I must say!
We went out on a combo trip today looking
for halibut,rock fish and monster ling cods.
Well we decided that after picking up our live
bait from fisher mens warf, one of San
Francisco's top tourist attractions. We
headed under the golden gate first to start
our trip on the rock fish, off of the Marine
coast. We picked off our rock fish rather slow
today being that we had to start our trip off
on the ebb tide. We fished it long enough to
pick up the majority of our cod fish up to
about 4lbs, in one area. Mainly blacks and
blues were the pickings for the day,besides
one nice Ling cod up to about 12lbs. After
hours of putting in work on these critters , we
decided to fish the bar and see if we could
knock down a few halibut. In the end we
ended up with a bit of everything that we had
set out to get! Rock fish, Ling cod and
Halibut! We hit them all up pretty good and
look forward to wacking them again! I Have
to give it up to Chris Stolks and his dad and
crew,for putting down a good trip during
some of the worst conditions! Good job fella's
!!!! Anyway our Sturgeon season is here and
we will be starting our Sturgeon
extravaganza's October 1 and I'm sure its
going to be one heck of a season. We specialize in these species of fish and want you to come
on out with us and catch a possible trophy fish of a life time! We can definately put you on the
fish., so if you have never been aboard the Top Gun for sturgeon fishing. Man..... you're in for
a surprise! Book your trips today for the best tidal dates and let me help you catch maybe the
biggest fish you've ever Hook'D Up with. Call 707-655-6736 and lets make it happen.
Remember, when you dream big fish, think Top Gun !!!......
Capt'n Steve

Hello World,
today was a good day for everyone aboard
the Top Gun! We went out today on a
potluck trip, looking mainly for what ever
wanted to bite. At first , we were going
shark hunting and decided against that due
to the tides seemed as though they were
going to be moving a bit faster than what
we like. So instead ,we headed outside the
gate for a bit of rock fish ,ling cod and
halibut! Our conditions were great and
once we got up the coast a bit,we started
to soak the rods and on an instance,we
started banging the fish left and right. We
fished live bait with six guys going at it with
one another competing for the biggest. Well
we ended up with the cooler full of rock cod
of all different species ,mainly blacks today
and some really nice ling cod! We had one
ling cod that went for 20lbs easy,I mean just
a HARD CORE BRUTE !!! This fish came
up and slammed the bait and just made the
mad dash run back into its hole in the rocks
and held us there for Quit some time,
almost as though we had a snag! But no,
we knew he was HOOK'D UP , so we kept
pulling on him with that 50lb test and that
6/0 Gammy down his throat till he popped
out his hole. Even after getting him out, he
fought like a mad man with a hook in his
mouth . Finally he surfaced and everyone
on the boat was in AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH
! Lol It was bananas because the rod was
folded so hard you would have never
thought that a fish had it bent like it was.
Anyway we landed the fish in which she
was an easy 20 + lb fish. So we had a
cooler full of rock fish and ling cod,now we
wanted to try for some halibut before the
tide had started to move to fast being that
todays tides really didn't permit halibut
fishing,but we caught a small window!
Good thing was we caught halibut up to
15lbs on the ebb tide and that sealed the
deal for everyone fishing with us today!
Over all we had no complaints for the day.
We changed our game plan at the last
minute and went out and executed it with
We have openings still for this month and
we are now booking up October for our
Sturgeon and fall run Striped bass trips ! If
your ready for a nice trophy fish of a life
time ! I would say reserve your date with us
now . Call us @ 707-655-6736 and we would be honored to get you Hook'D Up !
Capt'n Steve